DIY Aftershave Question

Discussion in 'Soapmaking & Lotions' started by defectivechimp, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. markjnewcomb

    markjnewcomb Well-Known Member

    Alum needs to be dissolved in order to be applied to your face. I think dissolving it before applying it to you face makes perfect sense.
  2. GeneralKinetics

    GeneralKinetics Well-Known Member

    Nice. I just tried to make one. The super cheap Walmart olive oil brand for 4 bucks with their Castor Oil from the incontinence section for $2.69 for a 6oz bottle. I need to go grab their glycerin from the band-aid aisle that's in the same bottle for the same price.
  3. defectivechimp

    defectivechimp Well-Known Member

    Yep its works like the expensive stuff in my opinion.
  4. GeneralKinetics

    GeneralKinetics Well-Known Member

    Nice. After using it, I've found that I really don't need it and it just gums up the equipment.

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