Best Shave Yet With a Lord L6?

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by mark_s, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Slipperyjoe

    Slipperyjoe Rusty Metal Tetanus

    That cheesy light plastic handle could be part of the equation lol ..;)
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  2. mark_s

    mark_s Active Member

    The L6 has a metal (or something claiming to be metal) handle, but I since got a Lord Smart, and that has the cheesy plastic handle. They're my favorite two razors. I think I can now say that for me, I think I can shave with more control and precision, with a razor with a relatively long thin handle. Of the two, I prefer the L6, because I think it's a weight to diameter ratio thing.
  3. Slipperyjoe

    Slipperyjoe Rusty Metal Tetanus

    Thanks for the's easy to get things mixed up in my old age lol..wait I'm not that old..more lol. You know Bob makes long and ultra light not quite so massive handles too...
  4. The only razor I have is an L6, since I just started. I have no complaints! Well, maybe about my technique... But no complaints about the razor! For those looking to buy, I think Amazon usually has the best deal on a new one.
    mark_s likes this.

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