Has Anyone Here.......

Discussion in 'General Shaving Talk' started by skyfox12, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. skyfox12

    skyfox12 Active Member

    Tried To Make Your Beard Grow Faster So You Can Shave More?

    This thread is a kind of response to the poll concerning how much do you like to shave. I probably need to say that I'm a little strange and quirky and like to tinker with things just to see what happens. Attempting to mix variables together to see if an effect can happen, you know, cause and effect. Every so often I wonder if something can be affected, like beard growth.

    As a teen, I'd always noticed men going around with what seemed to me was just a perpetual presence of whiskers on their faces and thought how cool it looked to have that grisly/chisly/grumbly appearance all the time. Of course at first I believed that the more you shave the thicker your beard would grow back. Of course now I know that its just natural aging. But some time back I googled how to make your facial hair grow back faster and some suggested Vitamin E and sleeping. I sleep quite a bit anyhow, but didn't try the vitamin E thing, but it did spark something in my head that caused me to consider something else.

    Caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant so I thought okay I'll whip up some Taster's choice instant, let it cool down, and yes, I carried my plan to conclusion. I used instant coffee as an AS splash to see if it would make my whiskers grow out faster. No, it did not. I enjoy shaving now with what using DE's and Shavettes now, but I have to wait at least 2 days for my face to really fill in. I have a fairly full beard, its just that it takes more time to grow out. I do not like the "Don Johnson" look for its own sake but rather I like it knowing that I'll have to shave it off soon and I like to see what I'm shaving off, and hearing it as well because with DE and other types of Old School shaving you can hear the whisker being shorn.

    I'm curious to know if anyone else here on this board has felt similar to my thoughts and feelings about this, and whether anyone has tried, as silly as it sounds, to make your beard grow back faster so then you can shave it again, now with all of the techniques learned on how to shave with more traditional equipment. It may be just me being crazy. If so, just have a grain of salt with you as you read these strange ramblings.:whacky011:
    awake2shave and KLF like this.
  2. KLF

    KLF Doctorin

    :) It never occured to me to speed-up the grow of my beard. It's a funny thought nevertheless :happy088: Let us know if you have any success.
  3. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    It cannot be done. The way your hair grows is determined by genetics.
  4. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    That's what I've always thought.
  5. Turk

    Turk Well-Known Member

    Genetics is what its all about! No fighting it. Too bad for me, I wish my whiskers grew in faster.
  6. Slipperyjoe

    Slipperyjoe Rusty Metal Tetanus

    Dang that slow grow!.:angry017:
  7. gregindallas

    gregindallas Rolls Razor Revivalist

    Get a motorcycle, watch football, drink beer and wait. :D
    CyanideMetal likes this.
  8. lradke

    lradke and doggone it, people like me

    Don't listen to these non believers! I have three words...and I saw it in a movie some here may not want to admit seeing: Peanut Butter Solution ;)

    Ok...in all seriousness now, what you wrote sounds interesting. I don't know if it is possible...but it is a neat thought.
  9. JimPo42

    JimPo42 Purported Hand-Shaver

    Supposedly vitamin D helps hair growth but I'm not sure if it would make it grow faster, it may just make the hair thicker or not even affect it.
  10. Hardlyanic

    Hardlyanic Active Member

    Sprinkle on hair seed,,water every other day.
  11. Lexicon Devil

    Lexicon Devil the Liberace of shaving

    Ch ch ch Chia!!! Just spread on the Chia beard mixture, add water, and watch it grow.
  12. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    I can see a whole new market... rogain (tm) for the face! Get that European Grandmother look in no time!

    (note that rogain/minoxadil does not work on the face)
  13. Stubbl E

    Stubbl E Well-Known Member

    R-r-r-r-r-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ll another one....:innocent

    ...just like the other one. :D
  14. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    When I was still on the natural high of a new wetshaver I had this same thought. One day I closed my eyes, concentrated with all the power of my mind, tightened ever fiber of every muscle in my body and WILLED new hair out of my face. It didn't work but I did have to change my shorts.
    jeraldgordon likes this.
  15. Mr. Shaverman

    Mr. Shaverman Well-Known Member

    Genetics may control how your hair grows, but it doesn't control how fast your hair grows. Hair is protein waste. You want to grow hair faster, you eat more protein.
    gorgo2 likes this.
  16. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    Just don't eat more bran muffins. Trust me.
  17. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    Holy valsalva maneuver, Batman!

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