Question, what is skin thinning?

Discussion in 'Shave School' started by 7055, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. 7055

    7055 Active Member

    I recently got a Feather AC and gave it a try, surprisingly, I was able to shave my whole face, WTG and ATG on the first try with it. I think with more practice I might really start to like this, however, I was reading up about it and I heard that it can cause "skin thinning". What is skin thinning and should I be concerned about it?
  2. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

    Skin thinning is exactly as it sounds. The thinning of the skin. If you look up the causes they all appear to be medical and not shaving related. Are you sure you didn't hear "wallet-thinning"?
    HolyRollah likes this.
  3. HolyRollah

    HolyRollah BaconLord

    I've seen this referred to as something similar to dermaplaning"a noninvasive surgical procedure that can essentially strip away dead skin to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars."—which essentially is doing what close shaving does to the skin. And no, I wouldn't be concerned about it. After hundreds of close shaves with a straight razor, my skin looks and feels better than ever (certainly better than it did after the daily irritation and burn from years of cartridge shaving)with no noticeable 'thinning' of the skin.
    mrchick likes this.
  4. damnitgoose

    damnitgoose Well-Known Member

    If anything, shaving with a single blade improves your overall skin complexion. I wouldn't worry about thinning your skin, unless you are like skinning yourself

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