Show me the green, brushes that is.

Discussion in 'The Brush' started by Linuxguile, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Skinny Rogers

    Skinny Rogers Well-Known Member

    Beautiful brushes gentlemen!
  2. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    I know you are packing at lease one greenie, Lance. And it is one of my favorites.
  3. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    I had forgot about my first green brush.
    Keithmax, Boojum1, Hodge and 2 others like this.
  4. Skinny Rogers

    Skinny Rogers Well-Known Member

    As of now I only have the green Wiborg.

    I sent my Jade xl2 to a friend as he'd been hunting one down for some time.

    I do have a couple jade accented ones I can post when home later.
  5. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    I was referencing your Wilborg :)
    Straight razor dandy likes this.
  6. gwsmallwood

    gwsmallwood Well-Known Member

    Thanks for starting this. My favorite color as well. I have a couple. I'll get some pics up shortly. @cmorris357, I still want that brush if you ever decide to get rid of it. Love that beehive too @Straight razor dandy
  7. gwsmallwood

    gwsmallwood Well-Known Member

  8. Straight razor dandy

    Straight razor dandy Stuck cleaning the house himself PERMANENTLY

    TobyC and Linuxguile like this.
  9. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    I like everything in that picture, LOL.
    TobyC likes this.
  10. gwsmallwood

    gwsmallwood Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Found it at Goodwill with a matching open dish that I turned into my lather bowl (for the rare occasion that I bowl lather). See the link in my signature for pics of the pair.
    TobyC and PickledNorthern like this.
  11. TobyC

    TobyC Well-Known Member

    Gorgeous! The SC New is a looker too! :happy088:
    Bobcat and Linuxguile like this.
  12. gwsmallwood

    gwsmallwood Well-Known Member

    Here's a new handle I just had commissioned. Planning on setting a 24mm Tuxedo as soon as I can make some time.
    il_570xN.1157643956_g4o1.jpg il_570xN.1157646832_llyr.jpg il_570xN.1157646968_ccbd.jpg
    il_570xN.1157647076_9hy1.jpg il_570xN.1157647184_beug.jpg
  13. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    Douglas Carey likes this.
  14. gwsmallwood

    gwsmallwood Well-Known Member

    New guy on the block. Wild West Brush Works on Etsy. He's only a couple of towns over from me, so even though he went to the wrong college (Go Devils!) I decided to have him make my first custom handle anyway.
  15. Straight razor dandy

    Straight razor dandy Stuck cleaning the house himself PERMANENTLY

    It looks insanely cool!
    JohnDB and Douglas Carey like this.
  16. PickledNorthern

    PickledNorthern Fabulous, the unicorn

    Really cool handle. The Tuxedo is going to look awesome in there.
    Douglas Carey likes this.
  17. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

  18. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Mein Schatz hat's grĂ¼n so gern....
    Douglas Carey likes this.
  19. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    Thanks for the info. I just contacted him about doing a custom pink camo handle for me. He seems pretty helpful. More as my transaction progresses.
    gwsmallwood likes this.
  20. Hodge

    Hodge Well-Known Member

    Ive got a couple to add

    Doug Korn custom - green rootbeer
    And a Geoff Anderson Shavemac custom

    Now if you had said.... "Show me your butterscotch"
    Sparrow, Keithmax, Linuxguile and 4 others like this.

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