Speaking of lanolin - irritation, anyone?

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by JohnInPeoria, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. JohnInPeoria

    JohnInPeoria Member

    Having a little trouble lately, and also just tried MWF. Say it ain't so!
  2. Wishoot

    Wishoot Member

    It happens....

    It's a shame, but there are plenty of people that seem to have a reaction lanolin. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives out there that do a great job too.
  3. ChemErik

    ChemErik Mr. Personality

    No problems here, but it's happened to others. The only good reason not to use MWF IMHO.
  4. lanolite

    lanolite Member

    I like lanolin, but have used a cream (Musgo Real) that I found irritating. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that lanolin was the problem until you tried something else that had it -- Institute Karite or Omega, perhaps.

    You said to say it wasn't so! ::angelic004

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