Are heavy straight razors better shavers in general?

Discussion in 'Straight Razors' started by Tdmsu, Sep 21, 2016.


Do you prefer a larger/heavier straight razor, or a smaller one?

  1. 6/8 or higher please

    19 vote(s)
  2. 4/8 is the sweet spot

    0 vote(s)
  1. david of central florida

    david of central florida Rhubarb Rubber

    Well that whopper just came in last week. I thought about honing it, then i thought I'd send it to you first. Id get a treat when it came back.
    As far as bigger/smaller, around the nose 4/8 definately are maneuverable. The flatter facial areas about the same.
    The bigger blades are easier to round the jawbones and chin (i guess easier to maintain angle for me).
    The quieter blades gave me trouble for a while. I guess, I thought if i couldn't hear it ,it wasnt working. So i added more preasure, which left me sore. Took me a few attempts to trust the edge. My kinflks wedge was when it came together. After that it (thicker grinds)went better.
    My pre1890 W&B full hollow is the heaviest ive gotten a good shave with. Im not convinced the weight added or hindered.

    I read somewhere, the size of the blade only had to do with the amount of lather it held before needing to be wiped off. Hence the barbers only blades were bigger. Could be whoey.
    45auto, Karl G, mrchick and 2 others like this.
  2. Billyfergie

    Billyfergie The Scottish Ninja

    Its a Hard One this One..I have Had a few French 5/8ths Run through My Hands & on the Hone..Some of these French Grelot Hospital Smaller 5/8th are Heavier than some Bigger Blade 6 & 7/8ths and Just Plough through the Whiskers...They are Hard Heavy Steel & Heavy Thick Spined..Awesome Razors..That Said..I have a Particular Fetish for 6 & 7/8th...:)

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
    Karl G and Tdmsu like this.
  3. Straight razor dandy

    Straight razor dandy Stuck cleaning the house himself PERMANENTLY

    I really like 6/8 - 8/8. I've never used anything larger than 8/8, but im guessing I would like it too.

    I can shave with anything though, and I have used 4/8 up to 8/8.

    The smaller blades are definitely better for the moustache and around the lip area because they are smaller, however.
  4. HolyRollah

    HolyRollah BaconLord

    Square points, no matter the blade size, are essential ( at least for me) when doing this type of detail work.
    Karl G, Bama Samurai and Tdmsu like this.
  5. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    My preferred size is 7/8 with 1/4 grind but I also like 6/8 too. I have not tried an 8/8 razor yet.

    I have problems controlling a very light razor, it is hard to get and keep the exact angle I want and because it is light I tend to use too much pressure. I feel I have better control with a heavy razor, I can set the angle exactly where I want it and just let the weight of the razor do the cutting.
    Karl G, mrchick, Tdmsu and 2 others like this.
  6. Jim99

    Jim99 Gold Water Shaver

    Of all my straight razors, they are all 5/8, with the exception of my one 6/8. I like the 6/8 best of all my razors as I feel I get the best shave out of it. It could be due to the hone, the extra weight, or I just favor that razor. I think I need another 6/8 or larger to say for certain what I really prefer.
    Karl G, gssixgun, Billyfergie and 3 others like this.
  7. gssixgun

    gssixgun At this point in time...

    Supporting Vendor

    Do you like Blondes Redheads or Brunettes ???

    Which one of you children do you like best :p

    SRazors are kinda the same

    here are the things I can tell you

    There are few rules set in stone in razordom there are always exceptions so this is generalities....

    Sizes pretty much range from 3/8 - 9/8
    There are pretty much three sizes of Tangs (this is important)

    3/8 - 5/8 Have a smaller almost dainty tang

    7/8 - 9/8 the tang is heavy thick and substantial

    the 6/8 stands alone :)

    Grinds range from near wedge - double hollow

    Nose designs are all over the place

    Here is what I have always recommended for new shavers and the reasons why this is from experience teaching new people at the Meets in person NOT personal preference..

    Size 6/8 -
    The extra heft in weight and tang size helps a new shaver with control and allows for the weight on the razor to help with those newbie tentative strokes..
    The 6/8 size blade also helps keep the blade flat when stropping and later when honing..
    Nearly all the geometric numbers we spout off when we get technical are based on a 6/8 size blade..
    It is also dead center in the sizes so it give a good basis on whether to go larger or smaller on your next blade

    Point Round -
    Because it gives the "Illusion of safety" trust me the edge will cut ya just as fast but hey you might avoid a few bleeding earlobes and some neck digs :p

    Grind 1/2 Hollow -
    Again dead center so you have a good jump off point, easy to hone, yet a stiffer feel to help plow through the beard when a newbie doesn't quite understand what a Scything stroke really is yet ..

    These are only my opinions formed from a weeeee bit of experience :) I hope it helps but it is after all your money and your face and ultimately your decision

    Shave On !!!!
    Karl G, Keithmax, DaltonGang and 4 others like this.
  8. Tdmsu

    Tdmsu Well-Known Member

    Thank you for such detailed insight! This is very helpful indeed!
    Karl G and Billyfergie like this.
  9. Jim99

    Jim99 Gold Water Shaver

    I agree. Much of it is personal choice and what we have gotten used to. There's pretty much a razor out there to suit all tastes due to different sizes, grinds, scales, tangs, points, etc. The details you state around razor types are spot on! With that said, though I enjoy the bigger and heavier razor in my den, I like all of the razors that I own and the differences between them make each shave unique.
  10. stanko

    stanko Member

    I like the 7/8 the best.
    Karl G, Tdmsu and Billyfergie like this.
  11. 45auto

    45auto Well-Known Member

    What size is that?
    Billyfergie likes this.
  12. 45auto

    45auto Well-Known Member

    I have heard him same!
    Billyfergie likes this.
  13. HolyRollah

    HolyRollah BaconLord

    That image is of a 10/8 custom...
    Tdmsu and Billyfergie like this.
  14. 45auto

    45auto Well-Known Member

    Is that Yours?
    Billyfergie likes this.
  15. HolyRollah

    HolyRollah BaconLord

    Nope. Simply an internet photo grab to make a point. ;)
    I prefer 'em under 8/8 most times.
    Tdmsu likes this.

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