SoS: March 20, 2017 - March 26, 2017

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by crackstar, Mar 19, 2017.

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  1. Robyflexx

    Robyflexx Broke the Like button

    Tue. 3/21/17




    Marvelous shave with the Schick Xtreme3 this morning. Three passes for a dolphin smooth and refreshing finish. Enjoy your day friends. :)
  2. Norcalnewb

    Norcalnewb Magnanimous Moos

    Thank you, Roby! Have a great day, buddy.
    crackstar and clint64 like this.
  3. Norcalnewb

    Norcalnewb Magnanimous Moos

    Great picture! Every thing going well for you so far in Texas?
  4. PLAla

    PLAla Bit Shy of a Full Puck

    Cold water 3.gif
    SOTD March 21, 2017

    Blade: Chinese Schick
    Razor: Schick adjustable
    Brush: Artisan badger
    Lather: RazoRock Puros
    Post: Witch hazel splash, Speick aftershave
    WTG, touch-up

    Smooth and comfortable shave with the Schick adjustable. I went with setting 7 and found it to be terrific. The Puros whipped up into terrific lather, but the post shave feel isn't all that great - not bad, but not terrific either. It feels a little drying on me. But the scent is nice and smoky and it led to a nice shave in the end.

    Have a great day!

    SOTD 3-21-17.JPG
  5. Robyflexx

    Robyflexx Broke the Like button

    Thanks buddy and yes. Loving it so far. :happy088:
    RyX, EzraCobb, RaZorBurn123 and 4 others like this.
  6. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    March 21, 2017​
    Mongoose B2 with Triad Ti​
    Feather Pro Super (10)​
    Romera Olive Wood Synthetic​
    Reef Point Tranquility​
    Fine Lavender​
  7. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Bulgaria makes some of the best creams I've ever used. This Top Ten Sensitive cream is a real treat. It's scent is so nice, it's a joy to lather, and you get a very good cooling sensation with a very soothing post-shave feel. The Max Refreshing aftershave is downright cold, smells awesome, and feels so good. My shave couldn't have been better!
  8. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    Gillette Tech Bulldog
    Gillette Silver Blue (3)
    Semogue BC Texugo
    TOBS Avocado SC

    Another nice mindless shave this morning.
  9. LaSalle82

    LaSalle82 Well-Known Member

    3/21 SOTD..........

    Back to my Edwin Jagger DES86 which unfortunately is my best shaving razor. I say this because I really like using my vintage Gillette's but this razor just shaves so darn well (YMMV). Today I paired the EJ w/Pol-Silver SI (5) and got a fantastic shave. RazoRock XXX soap, Duke 2 Best, Witch hazel and a splash of Floid Vigoroso aftershave..........

  10. RetLEO-07

    RetLEO-07 likes his penguin deep fried, with pink sparkles

    21 March 2017 SOTD
    Today's shave used a sample I found yesterday in the back of my vanity; Trumper "Spanish Leather". It was a little hard, so I brought out the 10098 to deal with it.
    The big hog beat the hardened cream into a great smelling lather. The scent sort of reminded me of English Leather A/S. The Stubble Assassin, aka NEW SC/GSB, made my weekday whiskers disappear with a masterful 2.5 pass WWS. Some post care and a splash of Speick A/S from my sampler and the day was underway. Happy Tuesday!
  11. markjnewcomb

    markjnewcomb Well-Known Member

    Day 26 of 30 days of straights

    I had a major victory today. to some it may seem minor, but I am claiming victory. My face does not hurt after my shave today. Not only did I not cut myself, but I also managed a truly BBS shave without any significant irritation. I even went the last pass against the grain. I am learning.

    3 passes with no nicks, cuts, weepers or irritation.

    DIY Pre-shave Oil
    30mm High Mountain White set an extra 10mm deep
    3 passes, WTG, XTG, ATG
    Sampsons All Natural Aftershave Balm
    6/8 Round Toe Henckel 17 1/2
  12. RetLEO-07

    RetLEO-07 likes his penguin deep fried, with pink sparkles

    Hey brother, great job! Not a SR guy, but it's great to hear that people are mastering their gear. :happy088:
    Smooth Steve, RyX, crackstar and 6 others like this.
  13. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    I understood...:)
    crackstar, Robyflexx, mrchick and 3 others like this.
  14. PickledNorthern

    PickledNorthern Fabulous, the unicorn

    Nothing wrong with your favorite razor. I love vintage Gillettes. To look at. To shave with? Not so much.
    LaSalle82, RyX, crackstar and 6 others like this.
  15. Shave Monkey

    Shave Monkey Well-Known Member


    Noxema Moisturizing preshave
    eBarbershop Brushless cream
    Oristo Sheen razor
    Sharp Stainless blade
    Burberry Brit aftershave
    Aveeno balm


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. lindyhopper66

    lindyhopper66 Well-Known Member

    F W Engels Perfection
    Shavemac Silvertip D01
    Rose of Bulgaria Shaving Cream
    Robert's Rose Water

  17. celestino

    celestino Friendly Neighborhood Wetshaver

    21 March 2017

    * Blackbird Polished 85

    * Iridium Super
    * Epsilon 2-Band + Doug Korn Faux Briarwood C7
    * Mystic Water Sensitive Skin
    * Unrefined Shea Butter


  18. Bobcat

    Bobcat Well-Known Member


    Prep: Warm Shower-Stirling Bath Soap-Scots Pine Sheep
    Soap: Maggard London Barbershop
    Razor: Gillette NEW Short Comb
    Blade: Vintage Gillette “Spoiler” Super Stainless (6)
    Brush: Elite Razor Silvertip-24mmx50mm
    Aftershave: Stirling Barbershop

    WTG-XTG-ATG (adjusted angles for my beard)

    Maggard London Barbershop today. 20 seconds to load the Elite Silvertip. Easy, thick, slick, lather. Gillette “Spoiler” SS still in the Gillette NEW SC. Excellent smooth, close shave. I finished with Stirling Barbershop aftershave.


  19. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    March 21, 2017
    Prep: Hot Shower.
    Razor: Timeless Razor
    Blade: Personna Lab Blue
    Lather: First Canadian Shave Soap Loretto Lime & Rosemary
    Brush: Stirling 24mm Finest Badger Fan
    Aftershave: TOBS No. 74 Victorian Lime
    First time using First Canadian Shave Soap Loretto Lime Rosemary, wow!! Beautiful Lime Rosemary scent, the lather was slick and protective. I'm such a fan of this Stirling brush. The Timeless Razor is such a beautiful piece of shaving gear. Such attention to detail was given.
  20. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    Roger, What knot is in your Culmak ? It looks amazing!
    Hodge, crackstar, Robyflexx and 3 others like this.
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