SOS: September 2018

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Boojum1, Aug 31, 2018.

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  1. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Williams Wednesday's Shave

    Cold Water Wash
    Williams Mug Soap
    Alpha T-400 Silvertip Badger
    Supply Provision
    Schick Proline B20
    Clubman Pinaud AS

    My prep was just a cold water rinse. The Williams Mug Soap face lathered well with the Alpha T-400 Silvertip Badger brush. I did two passes with the Supply Provision Safety Razor with a Schick Proline B20 blade and ended up with a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse, I finished off with Clubman Pinaud AS. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
  2. shaveman

    shaveman Well-Known Member

    Yagi DOC DLC Razor
    Personna Stainless Blade (USA)
    Yagi 24 mm Synthetic Brush
    Pacific Shaving Co Caffeinated Shave Cream
    Nivea Men Creme Balm
    Old Spice Cologne
  3. jluc

    jluc smelling pretty

    September 19th
    Razor: Timeless Bronze SB
    Blade: Personna Lab Blue(3)
    Brush: Envy White Supreme 8 Ball
    Pre-shave: Stirling Mentholated
    Soap: Stirling MITA
    Stirling Lemon Chill witch hazel
    AS: Stirling MITA [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  4. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    :signs021: photo Perry.
    clint64, Linuxguile and PLAla like this.
  5. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Excellent picture and line up Jim.
  6. jluc

    jluc smelling pretty

    Thank you, Douglas.

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
    clint64, Boru62, Linuxguile and 2 others like this.
  7. PLAla

    PLAla Bit Shy of a Full Puck

    Thank you, Doug!
    clint64, Boru62, Linuxguile and 2 others like this.
  8. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    A7AB86C0-45F9-4EA9-9E4A-BBFF906D557D.jpeg Wednesday:

    L’Oreal Men Expert Facial Wash
    Razorock Plissoft 26mm Monster
    Super Speed/Shark day 4
    RVT Green Fields SS
    Gold Bond Moisturizer
    Alt Innsbruck AS Splash

    I really shouldn’t have shaved today because it’s Yom Kippur but it’s impossible for me to miss a shave.
  9. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Very nice photo and setup Jeff.
    clint64, Linuxguile and Yehuda D like this.
  10. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Thanks Doug!

    I can show photos now because I have a new iPhone!
  11. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Which iPhone did you get?
    clint64 and Linuxguile like this.
  12. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    SEptember 19th SOTD
    Schick E2 w Personna (5)
    D.R.Harris Arlington SS
    Stirling Finest / Maple
    CL Gratiot League Sq AS
  13. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Nice shave Jeff. Have an easy fast my friend. I hope this is correct:
    יש מהר
  14. TestDepth

    TestDepth Well-Known Member

    Razor: Blackland Blackbird
    Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
    Brush: Razorock Beehive
    Soap: Declaration Grooming Trismegistus
    A/S: Thayer’s Cucumber
    Enjoy your shave!
  15. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Good picture with a beautiful razor Tom.
    clint64 and TestDepth like this.
  16. TestDepth

    TestDepth Well-Known Member

    Thank you Doug. I like how the patina/wear has shown up on this razor.
    clint64, Boru62 and Douglas Carey like this.
  17. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    SOTD Stirling September 19th

    Razor: RazoRock Game Changer .84-P
    Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless
    Brush: Doug Korn Stubby (35mm, Carrier Class)
    Soap: Stirling Pumpkin Spice
    AS: Stirling Glacial Unscented PSB

    A slight detour from SEptember. I got the new Game Changer .84-P base plate in yesterday and couldn't wait to give it a go. Also I recently got in some fall themed samples from Stirling so decided to give Pumpkin Spice a try too. This month I've been getting amazing lathers from Stirling and this morning was no exception. I decided to face lather this morning, because well, face lathering with a 35mm knot is pretty fun. I had gobs of super shiny, slick, dense, yogurt like lather in no time. Pumpkin Spice smells like pumpkin pie, and that's ok to me. Now I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving! Back to the shave. With the increased .84mm blade gap and slightly more blade exposure the Game Changer really performs like an ultra premium razor. During the shave I kept thinking man this is smooth, but its really efficient too! Two passes with a little touch up brought home the baby! For those that have a Rex I would say its comparable to setting 4.5, and just as smooth! Ill give the GC another go on Friday before I return to SEptember, but based on first impressions the .84-P base plate was what the Game Changer was always meant to be. Have a great day my friends!
  18. ajc347

    ajc347 Well-Known Member


    Today’s SOTD.

    First use of the Dorco Titan blades today. They seemed okay. Not as good as some blades and not as bad as others.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Wednesday, September 19
    Chatillon Lux Pure Lavender~~Semogue Taj Mistura~~1940 Gillette Milord Tech~~Personna 74 (1)
    Have a great day!
  20. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Today's shave was a Japanese Razor, dug out of the box. I had a very smooth 2 pass shave, that left me with a DFS, no touch-ups. Very sharp Silver Steel Razor. The shave would have been more enjoyable, without the Heel Smirk. I will address that at a later date.

    Razor- "Kikuboshi 800". Kummel Best Hollow Ground Silver Steel. Takahana.
    Brush- RazoRock 400, WD High Mountain Badger
    Soap- Arko/Sandalwood scented
    Aftershave- Shulton Old Spice. Ships Flask decanter.


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