Since I shave at work most of the time, I'm not in a position to get the greatest shaves since I have no access to hot towels and a bunch of other niceties. The water temp alone is an issue since I can run it full hot and stand there in the shower. So, this is what my normal routine looks like. Open up the "Shave Den" and stare for a minute. If I'm lucky I've pre-chosen my setup the day before. Turn on the shower for 3 minutes. I'm the first person to run water so the pipes are cold. Shower using my choice of shampoo, conditioner, face cleanser and soap. Apply glycerin & a couple of drops of oil as pre-shave if my face totally dried out in the shower. Apply deodorant & Oil to shins Move shave setup to sink area. (Travel kit & Shave of Day Stuff) Soak brush in hot water & a couple of drops of glycerin Wet Soap if needed. Note: I do not shave first. I don't have hot towels, the water is not real hot and the gym/locker room is either cool or down right freezing. So, I might as well as save the shave to last. Clean Glasses & Fix Hair Floss, Brush Teeth & use Mouth Rinse Change Blade if needed Brush face with hot water Rinse Brush with hot water and shake out. Create lather Shave Passes - WTG/45XTG/45XTG Opposite/ATG Cleanup. Warm water rinse and hand smoothing then new lather in between passes. The touch up is done with just a wet hand and smoothing some lather around on last spots. Warm water rinse Towel off residue Cold Water rinse Alum Block with Cold Water Rinse or Aftershave Apply ASB - Cold water diluted. Clean up, get dressed & put everything away Stare in "Shave Den" again for a minute and choose tomorrow's setup. Apply Cologne if wearing. And finally, close everything up and start my day at work with a smile on my face, relaxed, feeling good and enjoying my smooth face and great scent.
Sounds like a solid routine Rich - I can't imagine having to shave at work (or at a gym for that matter), but I guess you'd get used to it after a while. The routine sounds a lot like mine, right up to the glycerin in the brush soak I also shave after the shower, even if I am going the hot-towel route....and never without a pre-shave oil of some sort :happy088
Lazy All this stuff people aparently go through to have a shave,as from the title you can guess that I am inhearently a lazy bastard .My shave routine is, run badger brush under hot tap then lather,grab blade that is very sharp and shave ,one up one down ,then aftershave if I think of it sorry but that it folks kind regards Peter
When do you booze? I am with 42 Just shave man All I do is shower, when I am in shower I soak my brush in mug with hot water, put cream and/or soap on it lather on face (I don't need no stinking bowl), shave, hot water splash to clean leftovers, cold water splash, aftershave. JUST SHAVE BABY!
I think we all go through some stages. Eventually, we get the routines down and then simplify a little. I've moved away from the more is better stages as I figured out what really counted. I really wish I could shave first and then shower though. But alas, it's not to be unless, I shave at home.
I have completely reversed this in the past week and it has been working VERY well. 1) Shave 2) Shower That simple enough for you? :rofl
I don't hate you. Just trying to make your life simpler. :rofl Sometimes we get caught up in the products and techniques and try this and try that and so on. I'm guilty like everyone else. Someone has to "keep it real" for us over the top and man overboard shavers.
Keeping it Simple For me, this is keeping it simple. Some may find that this is too much. Shower: Shampoo, soap (Facial wash/scrub and conditioner is optional) Deodorant (Not optional) I stink if I don't! Body Lotion or Oil. Unfortunately, this is becoming less optional as I get older. My shins dry out bad all year round now. Shave: Brush, razor, blade. Hot Water splashes Lather in a bowl, 2 passes with cleanup. (Optional - Lather in hand) Post Shave: Cold Water Aftershave For me, that's as simple as it gets. I have found the more variables I toss in, the more things can go wrong. When I add to simple, it's to create a more luxury shave and this is where I really get to play around. Add Conditioner Add Facial Wash/Scrub Add Body Oil Add Glycerin Brush Soak Add preshave Glycerin Add pre-lather Add Superlather Add more passes with careful cleanup Add Alum Block Add Toner/Aftershave Add Balm Add Add Cologne