SoS: September 2021

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by IAmTheJody, Aug 31, 2021.

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  1. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    What's your impression of 345 Co.?
    Jorvaljr and clint64 like this.
  2. Purvis

    Purvis Well-Known Member

    40’s this morning so I thought I’d better get another Solstice in before the season ends
    W&B Sheffield curvy 6/8ths in tortoise
    Heirloom Razor Strop co. Horsehide
    Rich Man Shaving Red Forge with UltraLUX Phoenix Accoutrements Solstice CK6 soap
    Phoenix Accoutrements Solstice Aftershave
  3. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    An excellent razor manufacturer. I had a wonderful 2 pass shave, that left me Baby Dolphin Butt Smooth(BDBS). Zero issues, just Smooth Smooth Smooth.

    Razor- C-MON. By Carl Monkhouse. Solingen Germany.
    Brush- @oscar11 Special. Synthetic knot. Silky smooth and lathers well, with the perfect amount of backbone.
    Soap- Stirling "Stirling Spice"
    Aftershave- Shulton Old Spice. Ships Wheel decanter.

    poppi, jtspartan, brit and 18 others like this.
  4. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    GEMonday, Sept 6th, 2021

    Razor: Gem Junior 1912 Parade with a baton handle, Mfg 1943 variant, great handle design, excellent razor head proven with time.
    Blade: Gem Personna SS PTFE(7) excellent blade, Very sharp, great longevity, smooths out nicely + predictable.
    Soap: Lavanda cream, nice very mild scent & excellent lather qualities+ great protection(I have not had a weeper with this cream)
    Brush: Yaqi Dandelion 24mm cashmere knot [​IMG] excellent with creams, excellent lather generator, cloud like soft tips, nice gentle scrub + great lather painter.
    Pre shave: Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser + a dollop of clear Aloe Vera gel on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep: Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups.
    Post shave: Witch hazel to clean skin + Lavanda aftershave + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizer balm. (Experimenting with CeraVe moisturizer, last minute change from Nivea balm)
    Results: CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] excellent shave with my Gem Jr 1912 Parade with the baton handle with a coated Gem SS blade.
    SOTD,  Sep 6th 2021.jpg
    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, poppi, jtspartan and 18 others like this.
  5. stuartganis

    stuartganis Well-Known Member

    Razorock Game Changer OC / Wilkinson Sword
    Yaqi Synthetic
    Chiseled Face / Ghost Town Barber [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-T387V using Tapatalk
    jimjo1031, poppi, jtspartan and 18 others like this.
  6. IAmTheJody

    IAmTheJody Gillette-i Master

    Last night I took my newly acquired 1920s/30s Roller Guard DE razor for its inaugural shave with me as its new owner!

    The set up:
    • 1920s/30s Roller Guard DE razor
    • Fresh Voskhod blade
    • Yaqi Aqua High Mountain badger brush
    • 1940s Lifebuoy Shaving Cream
    • 7" suribachi bowl

    Copy & Paste from my PM to the cool cat - @Dave in KY - I purchased the Roller Guard from:

    For all the complaints about it being too mild, I'm guessing every single one of those did not "adjust" it. I'm sitting here BBS everywhere it touched. Fantastic shave. I started out with the handle fully tightened, and yes, it was super mild. Was barely cutting anything. Then I turned the handle all the way to just before it was too loose, just enough to keep a grip on the head but not for the head to spin freely... BBS face, neck, jawlines... Everywhere. And it's a pretty cool effect to feel the guards rolling on the skin. Definitely one of my new favorite razors!

    The way I adjusted it is as instructed in the original Roller Guard instructions:


    leaflet (1).jpg





    Last edited: Sep 6, 2021
  7. awk-m4

    awk-m4 Well-Known Member

    SOD Monday September 6, 2021
    Ever wonder how many shaves in each tub of Proraso? See below in the Lather report!
    Brush: Simpson T3 Trafalgar
    Bowl: Shave Nation
    Lather: Proraso Red (29)
    Razor: Gillette 1959 E4 Settings:
    Face WTG:3-XTG:2-ATG:1
    Head WTG:5-XTG:4-XTG:4-ATG:3
    Blade: Feather (2)
    Razor: Gillette Styler
    Post: Omega Alum Block
    Post: Thayers Witch Hazel
    Lotion: Proraso Red Dopobarba
    Balm: Proraso Red
    A Magnificent Monday afternoon Shave!

  8. Jorvaljr

    Jorvaljr Operation Daytona 8000

    They perform really good. The lather is rich and creamy but i dont think they are the slickest. Really good scents lol that dont match their names. They smell complex and cologne like vs their names which to me drives me nuts! Lol. I dont have a nose for being able to distinguish the various notes.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Thanks....may well look into them.
    clint64 likes this.
  10. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Here it is for Tuesday:

    prep-Nivea 4 Men Bodywash(Ice)in shower
    shave-Rocky Mtn. Barber(Barbershop "shave cream in a puck"-my quotes)
    brush-Maggard 24 mm Marble Handle synthetic
    razor-Gillette Sensor Deuce Pivot + DisposeABle
    A.S.-Clubman Original(6 oz.).
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2021
  11. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    September 6, 2021
    Supply Co SE V2 ●●
    Schick Proline
    Shavemac Flat Top D01
    Shave Stick & Aftershave

  12. Dave in KY

    Dave in KY On second thought, Buttercup

    So glad you're happy with it Jody. I had a feeling you would be ! :D
    Ron R, clint64 and IAmTheJody like this.
  13. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Tuesday SOTD


    Razor: Colonial Razors The General SS
    Blade: Feather Artist Pro (D2)
    Brush: Heritage Collection Dubl Duck 4 W 26mm Gel Boar
    Bowl: HoneycombCopper 4 ½”
    Pre-Shave Scrub: MRGLO Lime
    Pre-Shave Balm: GroomingDept Mandarin and Cardamom
    Shave Soap: Black Ship Grooming Thomas Tew
    Balm: Black Ship Grooming Thomas Tew
    Aftershave: Black Ship Grooming Thomas Tew
  14. Aztecmike

    Aztecmike George

    Nice shave. RazoRock For Chicago shave soap & splash is a favorite of mine.
    McGrande and clint64 like this.
  15. Aztecmike

    Aztecmike George

    Very cool razor Jody! I have an oddball English variation (same concept - way different implementation), but so far one like this has eluded me. Congrats!
    clint64 and IAmTheJody like this.
  16. IAmTheJody

    IAmTheJody Gillette-i Master

    Thanks Mike! The Roller Guard eluded me for a long time! Keep hunting, it's out there waiting for you!
    Aztecmike and clint64 like this.
  17. Tim Spencer

    Tim Spencer Well-Known Member

    Solstice is really good. Underrated scent.
    clint64 likes this.
  18. Tim Spencer

    Tim Spencer Well-Known Member



    Originally Created by:
    Paul Parquet

    Reformulated/Reinterpreted by:
    Rodrigo Flores-Roux

    Razor - GEM 1912 Travel Model (Sold to me by Jovraljr.)
    Blade - Personna GEM Stainless Steel Coated *3rd Shave
    Shave Brush - Everyman Jack Synthetic
    Shaving Soap - West Coast Shaving "Fougere" *Jojoba Cream Formula
    Lather Bowl by Freida of the Etsy shop ASfreidaturns
    Aftersahve - Humphrys Organic Distilled Witch Hazel *mentholated with PAA "Chill Mill" menthol crystals
    Deoderant - Houbigant - Fougère Royale
    Fragrance - Houbigant - Fougère Royale

    I'm going back into the office after working from home for over a year. Going to wear a tie again. Time to go fancy. Fougere Royale.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2021
    jimjo1031, Droo78, poppi and 20 others like this.
  19. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    SOTD : 7th September 2021.


    Shaving recipe for today.

    Prep: Warm shower:/Nivea Men Power Fresh Shower Gel.

    Cold wet flannel to my face.
    FatFace Ocean Escape Soap Bar.
    Brush: Yaqi 24mm Naples Tuxedo Synthetic.
    Face Lather.
    Lather: Tabac Original Shaving Soap. (Tallow Version)
    Blade: Personna Gem PTFE. (D3)
    Razor: Ever-Ready 1912. (US)

    Cold water face wash with brush squeezings, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./ Nivea Men Fresh Kick ASB./Tabac Original ASL.


    Early morning shave.

    It's been a long time since i last added the Tabac Duo to my shave set ups...The performance & scent from this old school classic is superb.

    A Enjoyable 2 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report...Finishing the shave off with a generous splash of Tabac Original ASL.

    My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.;)

    Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
  20. James Kleinkauf

    James Kleinkauf Well-Known Member

    Tuesday 09.07.21 SOTD


    Gillette ‘51 W2 Gold Aristocrat
    Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdge Yellow
    Yaqi Rainbow Handle 26mm Brown Synth
    Barrister‌ ‌and‌ ‌Mann‌ Seville Shaving Soap & AS

    jimjo1031, Droo78, poppi and 18 others like this.
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