SoS: November 2022

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by ram57, Oct 31, 2022.

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  1. Gian

    Gian Well-Known Member

  2. awk-m4

    awk-m4 Well-Known Member

    Wednesday November 2, 2022
    Brush: Simpson T3 Trafalgar
    Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper Bowl
    Lather: Southern Witchcrafts Valley of Ashes
    Razor: Henson AL13 +++
    Blade: RK Stainless (1)
    Razor: Gillette Styler
    Post: Southern Witchcrafts Valley of Ashes
    jimjo1031, stuartganis, Gian and 11 others like this.
  3. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Williams Wednesday's Cold Water Shave

    Cold Water Rinse
    Williams Mug Shaving Soap
    Jayaruh #423 2-band Badger
    Maggard Slant
    Gillette Nacet Stainless
    Lustray Spice AS

    The Williams Mug Shaving Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #423 2-band Badger brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Maggard Slant Razor and the Gillette Nacet Stainless Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Lustray Spice AS. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
  4. shaveman

    shaveman Well-Known Member

    ERA OC L5 Razor
    Kai Blade
    Barbasol Aloe Shave Cream
    Aloe Vera
    Stirling Duke Aftershave
  5. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Prep: Hot shower
    Coffee: Wegmans medium roast, BLACK
    Tunes: Pandora shuffle
    Razor: Merkur Futur at a tad under 3
    Blade: made for military Base Exchange, day 8, 3 passes
    Brush: Eveready 250PB with original knot
    Soap: Fine American Blend
    Scuttle: Georgetown Pottery
    Post: Cold water rinse, Brut aftershave, Brut cologne
    For the 'stache: Stirling's Hipster beard oil, Dirigo Blue wax

    Great shave, darn near BBS.

    Have a great day, folks!
  6. SlimGem

    SlimGem Well-Known Member


    Soap: AoS - Sandalwood Shaving Cream
    Brush: 3D Printed - Alexander Simpson Trafalgar Synthetic
    Bowl: 3D Printed
    Razor: 3D Printed - SE
    Razor: MicroMatic - Flying Wing SE
    Blade: Personna GEM ptfe ss
    Post shave: Fine Santal - Absolut
  7. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Oooo! Matching handles. Cool.
    jimjo1031, Karl G and SlimGem like this.
  8. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Nov 2nd
    ‘34 Aristocrat w Nacet (2?)
    Omega Evo/Burl&Resin ‘Milk Churn’ homage
    Haslinger Schafmilch SS
    Shulton Old Spice Lime AS
    Another soap I don’t reach for often enough. I have only tried this Sheep Milk version, so I can’t comment beyond that, but it is a quality product for sure. Wiped away without drama by this Art Deco beauty. Most of my favourite looking razors are all from the 1930s…I guess I’m old.
    Have a great day all!
  9. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Wednesday morning:

    Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Wash
    Yaqi 30mm Barber Pole
    Canadian Tech/Astra Green day 8
    Colgate Shaving Stick
    Nivea Cool Kick ASB
    Max Disinfecting AS Splash

    A vintage shave with this antique Colgate stick from either Sweden or Denmark - actually Sweden I believe. This I would say is the forerunner of the famous Palmolive sticks which sadly are almost impossible to find. The scent of this stick is so subdued that it’s hardly noticeable but I still find a bit of a clean, soapy note, the lather whips up very easily, and it’s so skin friendly. The Nivea Cool Kick balm to me doesn’t smell so nice but it performs great, and the Max Disinfecting aftershave from Bulgaria stings like mad for two seconds but then it feels so good and comfortable - does it ever smell nice. Two passes sufficed for a great BBS shave!

    Enjoy your day and your shaves - be well and safe![​IMG]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    DE SOTD, Nov 2nd 2022

    Razor : Razorock 2nd Generation Lupo.72- mid range, excellent machined razor with good finish and excellent quality control. Easy to work under the nose area, excellent design for clamping the blade + a joy to use this morning.
    Blade : Gillette 7oClock SP (4), sharp and smoooth with reasonable longevity.
    Soap : Razorock Santa Maria del Fiore, nice vanilla, with some light tobacco scent + excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi "Barber pole" 24mm 2band badger, excellent lather generator, pillow like soft tips, great splay scrubber, + great lather painter.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock Santa Maria del Fiore with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results :CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + 1weeper=[​IMG] excellent shave with my RR lupo.72 with a Gillette 7oclock SP blade.

    Have some great shaves!
  11. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Aaaaand..our first Throwback Thursday of this month comes at us tomorrow: With credit to Ed Pinaud, here is my offering
    prep-Clubman Pinaud "Beard And Bodywash"(in shower)
    shave-Razorock Italian Barber "American Barber" puck*
    brush-Stoylin "No-Name" Synthetic
    razor-Gillette Sensor Deuce Pivot DisposeABLE
    A..S.-Clubman Pinaud 12.5 oz**.


  12. MoAllen

    MoAllen King of Unscented

    Williams Wednesday Shave

    Lather: vintage Williams Mug Soap
    Brush: Ever Ready
    Razor: Henson AL13 mild
    Blake: RK Stainless
    Post: witch hazel

    I was inspired by @awk-m4 to try an RK Stainless blade in my Henson AL13 again. These are the blades that are labeled as being designed for the Henson razor. The first time I tried one, I was not impressed. It was ok, but nothing special. So, I gave it a go again today. This was an easy, comfortable shave. Maybe these blades are worth using, after all. The RK blade is very thin, so it clamps down perfectly. The Henson bends the blade quite a bit near the edges.

  13. Karl G

    Karl G Well-Known Member

    Clean and smooth thanks to the big Filly :happy036:

    Hot water preparation
    Argan Oil PSO
    Savile Row 3824 Silvertip Badger Shaving Cream
    Filarmonica EPBD 14
    Myrsol Blue


    Happy shaving - Karl
  14. brit

    brit in a box

    brit tech hybrid/platinum
    yaqi ruby finest badger
    wholly kaw fern concerto

  15. James Kleinkauf

    James Kleinkauf Well-Known Member

    Thursday 11.03.22
    RAZOR: Blackland Brassbird OC 101mm Handle
    BLADE: Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdgeYellow
    BRUSH: Elite Razor Fire & Ice 24mm Manchurian White
    LATHER: Barrister‌ ‌and‌ ‌Mann‌ Seville Shaving Soap
    POST: Barrister‌ ‌and‌ ‌Mann‌ Seville Aftershave
  16. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Here's my Throwback Thursday shower plan:

    Bodywash-Clubman Pinaud "Face&Body" wash*
    Deodorant- Soap- Coast
    Shampoo-Clubman Pinaud Country Club*
    Deodorant-Speed Stick**

    *-Company began in 1810
    **-from Colgate Polmolive, who bought it from Mennen(1931). Another note-this was done outside the shower

  17. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    I guess those aftershaves that smell nice sting the most at first.
  18. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Thursday SOTD

    Razor: GEM Jr. (Gold) Black Fat Handle
    Blade: Gem PTFE SS (D4)
    Brush: Rubberset 200-4 w Maggard SHD 24mm
    Bowl: Supply Provision Marble 4.5"
    Pre-Shave Scrub: SheaMoisture African Black Soap
    Pre-Shave Balm: GroomingDept Eucalyptus & Spearmint
    Shave Soap: Barrister & Mann Vespers
    Balm: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè
    Aftershave: Barrister & Mann Vespers
  19. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Awesome, Guy.
    I am jealous of your Rubberset 200. Not sure any brush has been more influential to brush design than that iconic profile.
    jimjo1031, Ron R, brit and 2 others like this.
  20. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Thanks, Jason.

    I agree with you. I prefer the Rubberset profiles to any other brush design out there.
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