What are you asking for for christmas? (anything, not just shaving)

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by gatto, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. gatto

    gatto *Not a dude*

    So what is everybody getting for christmas?

    I am getting mostly just stuff for my dorm, sheets, a new quilt, an alarm clock, a mini fridge. The fun stuff will be a few seasons of some TV shows I like, makeup, probably gift cards to a few of my favorite stores because I need to stock up on winter clothes for school and a couple of DS games. :D
  2. burnWood

    burnWood Mizzou Fan, YMMV

    I do not know if I shared this yet.
    Amazon wishlist.
    Look for echo33 @ hotmail.com

    shipping is free over $25. think of others this season.

    some CDs DVDs, Batman stuff, thats about it.
  3. Shep

    Shep The Shep Abides

    This is a total cop out and too corney I know, but once you reach a certain age you just don't care what you get for presents anymore. In all liklihood you already have more than you could possibly ever need. I just want to spend the day with my family and watch the joy on their faces as we celebrate together. I wish the same for my extended shaver family here as well. :happy088

    Of course if push comes to shove and you really wanted to buy me that $2000 home theater at Circuit City I wouldn't say no. :D
  4. Unit 91

    Unit 91 New Member

    I'm too old to ask for things for Xmas. I'll probably end up with just enough scratch to buy the new pair of CCMs I've been eyeing.
  5. burnWood

    burnWood Mizzou Fan, YMMV

    I have not reached that age yet I guess.
  6. Unit 91

    Unit 91 New Member

    You'd be suprised at how early I did reach that age.
  7. gatto

    gatto *Not a dude*

    ahaha Ray I don't think you'll ever grow up :D
  8. lamontqsanford

    lamontqsanford New Member

    Just my two front teeth, literally. Just after Christmas I get my permanent crown put on my front tooth.

    Other than that I am like Shep. My wife and I really don't do much for gifts for ourselves. We are the type that buy whatever we want the rest of the years so we spend all the loot on our soon. BTW Ray, my son is getting the massive hook up of Batman stuff. Whatever he doesn't like I will send to you.

    I get great joy out of watching my sons face when he opens gifts.
  9. Shep

    Shep The Shep Abides

    Carefull. He'll end up at your door lookin' to score.
  10. lamontqsanford

    lamontqsanford New Member

    As long as he is lookin' to score batman stuff and nothing else. I better load the shotgun just in case.
  11. burnWood

    burnWood Mizzou Fan, YMMV

    like he want love it all. I asked for lots of Batman stuff from the noble collection. bad thing is the paint always comes off. but they still look good.
  12. gatto

    gatto *Not a dude*

    uh oh, just gave my list to my parents and they said to think of more stuff. I don't know what I want :(
  13. PalmettoB

    PalmettoB The Old Guard

    I didn't even make a list this year. I got some nice things for my wife and daughter, but I don't really have any big ideas about mine. I usually just get the stuff I want throughout the year. Like I bought a new laptop this fall, so I really hate for them to go out and spend any money on me. I just like getting them stuff.
  14. moviemaniac

    moviemaniac Tool Time

    Nothing special, we just exchange some small gifts. Therefore I'm not really asking about stuff for christmas :D
  15. burningdarkness

    burningdarkness Woot Off

    If I need something during the course of the year, I get it. I don't really buy into the commercialism of Christmas.

    Better to be safe than sorry. Ray doesn't abide by regular social norms.

    World peace.

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