Titanic and 3017...?

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by Primotenore, Apr 27, 2018.


Why do you "3017" a product?

  1. For the Challenge

  2. Because I was Challenged

  3. Because I am Challenged

  4. None of the above

  5. All of the above

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    clint64, Frijolero and jtspartan like this.
  2. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    Thanks guys.
  3. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    I know of no other safety razor better for that challenge.

    jtspartan, clint64, Frijolero and 2 others like this.
  4. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    March 25

    This 3017 took 12 months. Pass the Tums please.

    3017 - Crystal Hot Sauce.jpg
  5. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    March 25, 2023
    Yates with Hybrid Plate
    Simpson CH2 Synthetic
    Gillette 7 O’clock Black
    Mitchell’s Wool Fat
    Speick After Shave


    Happy Saturday everyone. My wife and I went to a spring festival here and down. Since it was so nice out we took our pup Greyson along. We all had a blast but I think Greyson had the most fun. Another automatic smooth shave. The Yates with the Hybrid plate worked well. ​
  6. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Ended up going out of town for a few days. Ironically, had to break my Haslinger Schafmilch run a mere few days before it would end on its own. Hotel shaves this weekend and then back home to finish off the focus in 2-3 days.
  7. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Saturday Shave/Sunday post
    Day Twenty-Five
    I am on a fast train to...not sure, but what would be really great would be to see a donut-hole in the puck. :p
    Keithmax, clint64, Frijolero and 2 others like this.
  8. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    I've bugun to see duff-nut holes in some of mine.
    wristwatchb and clint64 like this.
  9. ischiapp

    ischiapp New Product Bloodhound

  10. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    wristwatchb and ischiapp like this.
  11. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    March 26, 2023
    Yates with Hybrid Plate
    Brad Sears Synthetic
    Gillette 7 O’clock Black
    Mitchell’s Wool Fat
    Speick After Shave


    A rainy messy night and day today. I am ready for the Fat to be done and dusted. I am afraid that is not going to happen anytime soon. ​
  12. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Sunday, March 26
    MWF~~Simpson CH2~~Gillette #44 RFB/Gillette Platinum~~DR Harris Pink AS
    Day Twenty-Six
    No signs of quitting

    No signs of nearing the end
    Lean on me, @clint64
    We'll knock these pucks out!
    Silvestris, Keithmax, clint64 and 4 others like this.
  13. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Your 26 beats my 4 any day. :)
    clint64, Frijolero and wristwatchb like this.
  14. ischiapp

    ischiapp New Product Bloodhound

    Thanks, Clint.
    This was a long run.
    Never disliked soooooo much a soap.
  15. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    clint64, Frijolero and wristwatchb like this.
  16. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    great brush :)
    wristwatchb and clint64 like this.
  17. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Thank you Paul.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    wristwatchb and blondblue like this.
  18. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    March 27, 2023
    Hone 15S
    Simpson CH2 Synthetic
    Mitchell’s Wool Fat
    Speick After Shave


    A very stormy night last night. We missed the worst of the storms. My prayers are with those in Mississippi and South Ga that suffered the deviation of tornadoes.

    I confess I am a sucker for design and aesthetics. The Hone 15s delivers on both counts plus it just flat works for me. A absolutely splendid drama free shave to start the day after a rough night.
  19. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    My Dad used to have fun with that Rolaids commercial, where it asks for the spelling of the cure for a sour stomach. Instesd of "R..O...L..A..I...D...Sz" he'd say "T..U..M..S".
    Frijolero, wristwatchb and clint64 like this.
  20. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Day 27

    Back home and back to 3017ing this Haslinger. Only a shave or 2 left…

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