Pinaud Clubman plastic bottle... problem?

Discussion in 'Preshave and Aftershave' started by Jim O, May 27, 2023.

  1. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    Being new to all this at the ripe young age of 65, I'm feverishly trying to cover all my bases at once. Yeah, I know. Stupid.

    Anyway, for aftershaves so far, I have Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve, and Proraso Red Sandalwood and Shea Oil balm (not sure why it's for heavy beards). I also have a bottle of Pinaud Clubman Lime and Musk on the way.

    Looking at reviews, I see quite a few folks advising to transfer the Pinaud to a glass bottle. Others say to leave the bottle open for it to mellow. I'm going to assume at this point that this is obsessive nonsense, or am I wrong?
    Last edited: May 27, 2023
    gorgo2 and Paul Turner like this.
  2. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    It's not obsessive to those who obsess over it. ;)
    Some things you have to try and find our for yourself.
    50 will say product X is the greatest thing since sliced bread. 50 will say product X is so bad they wouldn't give it to their worst enemy. Who ya gonna believe?

    Some swear by Feather blades
    I don't like 'em.
    But that's me.
    BamaT, Enrico, Jim O and 1 other person like this.
  3. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    If you don't care about a plasticity odor in your aftershave leave it alone. If it bothers you, decant into glass.

    Pinaud Clubman and Old Spice are the only two brands that I have any issue with a plastic odor being present. YMMV.
    gorgo2, Enrico and Jim O like this.
  4. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    So, there is merit then. I'm more concerned about plastic leaching into the aftershave, and then being absorbed through my skin. Time to find a suitable bottle.
  5. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    I emptied one of these bottles (on various health food entrees, such as cheeseburgers), peeled off the sticker, gave it a bath, and used it for Clubman. Worked great.

    BamaT, Enrico, Jim O and 1 other person like this.
  6. chevyguy

    chevyguy Well-Known Member

    Mine's still in the plastic bottle and still smells like classic Clubman after 10 years.

    Sent from my SM-A526U using Tapatalk
  7. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    I've used .......



    Emptying the Evan Williams is enjoyable :eatdrink047:

    BamaT and Jim O like this.
  8. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure I'll be sticking with the Clubman. Pretty sure I won't. I don't care for the smokey -leather(?) profile. Wife isn't crazy about it, either.
    gorgo2 and Paul Turner like this.
  9. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    My wife calls it an "old man smell." She doesn't like it either. I only wear it on days when she's royally annoyed me.

    We've been married for six years, and I've used maybe an inch worth. The bottle was only a quarter full when we started dating. When I do use it, I apply it generously. It's an odd way of measuring how well one's relationship is going, isn't it?

    If SHE wore it when she's annoyed at me, we would be buying it yearly, by the case load, probably. Lol.
    gorgo2, BamaT, ChrisB and 3 others like this.
  10. chevyguy

    chevyguy Well-Known Member

    The trick is don't bathe in it when you apply it. It's the classic Barbershop scent in my part of the country.

    Sent from my SM-A526U using Tapatalk
    gorgo2 likes this.
  11. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    You mean I'm not supposed to dump it on the floor and roll around in the puddle like a dog? Man, I've been doing it wrong all these years. :p
  12. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    There's an odd spiciness to it. Smokey leather? I just bought a 4- pack aftershave sampler from Stirling. Seems like a good way to find out what I like. I know what my wife likes: Brut. Not sure I can throw down with the Brut.
  13. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    My wife loves Brut. Fortunately, I like it, too.
    She says it makes me smell like me. :angelic013:
    gorgo2, Paul Turner and Jim O like this.
  14. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    Neither I nor my Bride are Clubman fans. It's a classic, and I wanted to like it...but there are better alternatives for me. I used up my one and only bottle, and that was it.

    It's hard to go wrong with Stirling products. I'm sure you'll find some scents you like. I've used several of their shave soaps and bath soaps. Great quality/value and a nice variety of scents across their product line. Rod is an upstanding guy as well, so I feel good about supporting his business.

    Scent preferences are subjective, for sure. Have fun searching for the ones you like.
    gorgo2, DrStrange, BamaT and 3 others like this.
  15. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    Yes, I like the Executive Man soap, so I ordered a sample of the same AS.
    Paul Turner, Hembree and wristwatchb like this.
  16. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    I quote @swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."

    BamaT, Jim O, Hembree and 1 other person like this.
  17. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    I wish I could have enjoyed Xecutive Man better. Doc Ezlovan wasted no time in that Maggard Meet Up interview by saying "Xecutive Man BY FAR" when asled what is his biggest sale success. It's all right, but I do have other Stoylin favorites;
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
    Jim O and Hembree like this.
  18. ShaversRUs

    ShaversRUs Well-Known Member

    U are correct, sir.
    I've decanted to a bottle, and smelled no difference. AND...I never had an issue with the smell in the 1st place! The real issue is reading too much online and believing it!
    Ijustmissedthe50s and Jim O like this.
  19. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    Just received my Pinaud Citrus Musk. Wife said it smells like "toilet cleaner".
    As they say in Czechoslovakia, "tough shitski!"
    BamaT likes this.
  20. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    I think "smokey-leather" is a refeence to your Clubman Special Reserve. Close reference, that.
    Jim O likes this.

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