Sharpest DE blades

Discussion in 'General Shaving Talk' started by Alex7, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. Alex7

    Alex7 Active Member

    Can anyone link a list of the sharpest DE blades?
    elektrotasil, swarden43 and brit like this.
  2. brit

    brit in a box

    chazt, HUF, awk-m4 and 1 other person like this.
  3. Alex7

    Alex7 Active Member

    chazt and brit like this.
  4. ChrisB

    ChrisB Well-Known Member

    That's a nice table Gary. Its' a good visual overview. I used the Bic chrome platinum for my last two shaves and was impressed by it. Looking at the chart is has similar scores to the feather anyway.

    Is that table on their website or am I just being blinded/distracted by all their advertising links?
    brit likes this.
  5. brit

    brit in a box

    could be both.i just googled it and a page of charts showed up.;):eatdrink047: i remember this one because i was researching nacet blades..most consistent over 3 shaves..
  6. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    Sharpest DE blades I have used so far are Feather and Perma sharp from Saint Petersburg Russia and Gillette Perma sharp is slightly smoother + has a nice edge.
    A nice balanced blade for sharpness and smoothness are the Gillette silver blues blades and many others I will not mention.
    Needs some updates but should get you in the ball park.
    Blade Review #6.3 June 26th 2020 (3).jpg
    Have some great shaves!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
  7. ChrisB

    ChrisB Well-Known Member

    Right, someone here must have compiled them into a spreadsheet or something.

    Rearranged from sharpest on the left to least sharp on the right, for what it is worth.
    Sharpest Blades cut throat club.jpg
    chazt, elektrotasil and brit like this.
  8. Rusty blade

    Rusty blade The Good Humor Man

    I have found over the years that all razor blades are sharp...very sharp. Hard to tell the difference among them, though some are more smooth than others.
    Charles Hall, chazt, Enrico and 5 others like this.
  9. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    Japanese, Russian (higher end blades), and Gillette blades tend to be the standout blades for consistency and keenness, at least as far as easily available blades go.
    chazt, jtspartan and brit like this.
  10. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    Feather blades are the sharpest I have used.
    chazt and Ron R like this.
  11. Herm2502

    Herm2502 off to elf practice

    IMHO the shaper the better.

    Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
    chazt likes this.
  12. Old Spice

    Old Spice Well-Known Member

    When I first started down the road of DE shaving, I thought the sharpest blade had to be the best shaver. Wrong! I bought 50 Feather blades and I found them to be to sharp for my face and beard. I felt I had to be to careful and shaving wasn't fun with them.

    Now, I believe that any blade that can just cut my beard is good enough and anything more just adds irritation and possible cuts. So I've sort of settled on Treets and Trig's, which aren't the sharpest, but they give me a comfortable shave.
    chazt, Ron R, Lancre and 2 others like this.
  13. Mouser

    Mouser Well-Known Member

    No modern blades are the quality, easily measured by how long they last,have the same level of sharpness and smoothness of the top vintage blades. Of course they are expensive. Years ago I came up with a way to acquire them on that bidding site, at prices that equal modern ones , at a per shave cost that is. It took a long time and I lost more than I won because I had a maximum amount I’d go but I eventually got more than enough for my lifetime. I had a few other avenues that I used and I’m retired so I had the time it takes but brother am I glad I did.
    PLANofMAN, chazt, Enrico and 2 others like this.
  14. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    But, but…
    brit likes this.
  15. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

  16. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    Unless you are talking about the Personna tungsten blades, or early Wilkinson blades, I'd have to say that most stainless modern blades are just as good as vintage ones, not better.

    The two I mentioned are superior to most modern blades.
    Shaver X, chazt and brit like this.
  17. Shaver X

    Shaver X Well-Known Member

    Not to be an ass or anything, but it looks like The Refined Shave went offline sometime in March. The Cut Throat Club still has the chart, though. Good thing Brit grabbed a copy of the chart and ChrisB found the link to another copy.

    I thought all razor blades are hella sharp, no?
    brit and chazt like this.
  18. Alex7

    Alex7 Active Member

    How sharp are the Astra Superior Platinum blades? How will the shave be with an Astra blade in a Wilkinson Sword Classic(the black version)?
    brit likes this.
  19. brit

    brit in a box

    should be a nice shave,medium sharp blade in a mild to medium razor.opinions will vary,but only you will know for sure by trying it.
    Alex7 likes this.
  20. Alex7

    Alex7 Active Member

    How will a Merkur 37c shave with an Astra Superior Platinum blade?
    brit likes this.

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