SOS: July 2024

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Yehuda D, Jun 30, 2024.

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  1. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Thanks Gus!

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  2. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Tuesday morning:

    Cool shower
    Yaqi 30mm Barber Pole
    Super Speed/Derby day 7
    Bundubeard Impi SS
    Gold Bond Moisturizer
    Noble Otter Northern Elixir AS Splash

    Thank goodness I have a/c as well as a salt water pool so I can have a nice swim today because it’s going to be as hot as hell all week. The Impi soap from Bundubeard has a very unique, pleasant scent which is a mix of coffee with fruity notes, it’s glycerine based but it gives great lather, it’s mildly mentholated, and it gives excellent postshave comfort. The Gold Bond moisturizer works so well as a balm - it’s nicely mentholated, and the Northern Elixir aftershave smells beautiful - a blend of peppermint with eucalyptus and it packs a strong menthol kick. Three passes did the job for me - another terrific, enjoyable BBS shave!

    See you all soon - be well and stay safe![​IMG]

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  3. Karl G

    Karl G Well-Known Member

    Fine, fine shave with this black handled Schick E2. Super efficient and easy peasy :happy036:

    Hot water preparation
    MSC Deep Blue Shave Soap
    Shavemac 2-Band Silvertip Badger
    Schick E-2
    Shelton Old Spice After Shave


    Happy shaving - Karl
  4. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Tuesday, July 30
    MdC Original~~Semogue SOC Boar~~2011 Mühle R41/Sharp Star~~Agua Lavanda Puig
    Have a great day!
  5. James Kleinkauf

    James Kleinkauf Well-Known Member

    Wednesday Shave
    RAZOR:Fatip Testina Gentile Olive Wood Handle
    BLADE: Gillette Super Blue
    BRUSH: Rudy Vey Butterscotch Beehive 20mm Silvertip Badger
    LATHER: Truefitt & Hill Apsley Luxury Shaving Soap
    POST: Fine Italian Citrus Classic Aftershave Splash
  6. brit

    brit in a box

    1930 canadian new de luxe
    bbj walnut omega 10098
    c & e west indian limes
    c & e west indian limes cologne

  7. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Wednesday SOTD

    Razor: Rhodium Gillette Toggle
    Blade: Tomac Super Stainless Steel (D3)
    Brush: Black Eagle Rhino Black Feather 25mm
    Bowl: Corbell Pedestal 4"
    Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Ice Cube 2.0
    Pre-Shave Balm: GroomingDept Mandarin and Cardamom
    Shave Soap: Ariana & Evans x Dural x Pasteur Dural 1947
    Butter: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè
    Aftershave: Ariana & Evans x Dural x Pasteur Dural 1947

  8. ChiefShaver

    ChiefShaver Well-Known Member

    Hi Friends,

    Here my Shave of the Day (31.07.2024)

    Razor: Henson AL ++ // Blade: Gillette yellow // Soap: RazoRock SmdF // Brush: Olivewood Synthetic // Aftershave: Alum - RazoRock SMdF

    A good shave was had.

    2 passes with the Henson ++ and the shave was done. The RazoRock SMdF did a magnificent job again. Lather was very slick and rich. I adore this scent.

    Event the shave was gentle, the Alum as well as the Aftershave had a relatively good amount of feedback, surprisingly…

    Nevertheless a good one and an 8 out of 10

    Have a great time, enjoy your shaves and stay safe and healthy.

    Electrif, ram57, poppi and 13 others like this.
  9. ChiefShaver

    ChiefShaver Well-Known Member

    Thank you :love055:
    wombadom and Str8on2 like this.
  10. BroRat

    BroRat Well-Known Member

    RAZOR: Rocnel SE50 Artiist Club 2022 * Schick Proline (D1)
    Oumo 11 Pandora Green Resin 28mm SHD Badger
    Ethos Greenfresh Premium Shave Soap & Skin Food Splash
    Electrif, ilts, ram57 and 13 others like this.
  11. Str8on2

    Str8on2 Well-Known Member

    Outstanding pics, Gents... :signs154:
    brit, BroRat, Jayaruh and 2 others like this.
  12. Str8on2

    Str8on2 Well-Known Member

    Pure eye candy, Gents.... :happy005:
    ram57, awk-m4, brit and 6 others like this.
  13. Str8on2

    Str8on2 Well-Known Member

    Bravo Gents, Bravo...:happy096:
    ram57, ChiefShaver, brit and 6 others like this.
  14. Str8on2

    Str8on2 Well-Known Member

    Late evening shave yesterday. Very relaxing with excellent green themed software. Great shaves to all...

    Blackland Era/Schick/Viking-DFS 26mm Synthetic/RR XONE Soap & splash/GAP Deep Cologne

    Electrif, ilts, ram57 and 13 others like this.
  15. wombadom

    wombadom Well-Known Member

    Thank you

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  16. wombadom

    wombadom Well-Known Member

    Karve C-plate OC Razor
    Wizamet SI Blade (2)
    RazoRock Boar, Olive Wood Brush

    Petal Pusher Fancies Neroli Shaving Soap

    Barrister & Mann Cologne Russe Tonique Aftershave Splash [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-A526U using Tapatalk
    Electrif, ilts, ram57 and 11 others like this.
  17. Lockback

    Lockback Well-Known Member

    Preshave: Hot shower
    Soap/Shave cream: Stirling Soap Bay Rum
    Brush: Maggard 24mm
    Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89
    Blade: Astra SP (1)
    Post shave: Pinaud Clubman

    ilts, ChiefShaver, Ron R and 8 others like this.
  18. awk-m4

    awk-m4 Well-Known Member

    Wednesday July 31, 2024
    Brush: Semogue SOC Cherry
    Soap: Southern Witchcrafts Samhain
    Razor: Henson +
    Blade: Crystal Israeli
    A/S: Tabac

    Electrif, ilts, ram57 and 11 others like this.
  19. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Williams Wednesday's Cold Water Shave

    Cold Water Rinse
    Williams Mug Soap
    SlimGem 3D Printed Badger
    TNNSER 3D Printed Razor
    Personna GEM SS PTFE
    Cella After Shave Balm

    The Williams Mug Soap lathered well with the SlimGem 3D Printed Badger brush. Two passes and touch ups with the TNNSER 3D Printed Razor by Tom and the Personna GEM SS PTFE blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Cella After Shave Balm. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
    Electrif, ilts, ram57 and 10 others like this.
  20. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    :signs001: Gus.
    wombadom and Str8on2 like this.
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