12th January 2025. Shaving Recipe for today. Prep: Warm shower:/L’Oréal Paris Men Expert Hydra Energy Taurine Shower Gel. Pre: Cold wet flannel to my face. Pears Transparent bar Soap. Brush: Vie-Long 21mm Horse hair. Bowl Lather. Bowl: Ikea Kalas Side Bowl. Lather: Arko maximum Comfort Shaving Cream. Blade: Amazon Solimo. (D2) Razor: Baili BD191. Post: Cold Water Face Rinse./Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's,/Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse./Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With Care+Witch Hazel./Arko Comfort A/S Cologne./Nivea soft moisturiser. Greetings, A relaxing Sunday morning shave. Every thing in my shave set up this morning worked together wonderfully resulting in a close comfortable shave. The Vie-Long horse hair brush performed superbly. I find that with horse hair brushes painting on the lather gives the best shaving results when using shaving creams or croaps. Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Nivea soft moisturiser. My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine. Keep safe and enjoy your Sunday ladies & gentlemen.
I agree with your reasoning on that. There were several different versions of Techs built for the military in WWII. That would have increased the number significantly. As for the AI question, I asked both of them the exact same question, and got different answers. I will say that I wonder how much bias there is from advertising and marketing sources. We know that when you go to Amazon and search for a product, it will always recommend their top choice, which is always a paid placement. Even search engines do the same thing, since they make their money from selling and placing ads. The first few results will likely be sponsored results. As humans we can filter out that bias by working our way down the list to see all products or articles about a certain subject. I'm not sure AI is capable of that yet, and I also suspect they don't care if it is or not. There are also different levels of ChatGPT, for instance, that feature more results etc., and of course you have to pay to get those. I smell bias.
Back to the can for the next couple days, with prep-Dove Care + Men Bodywash(Skin Defense)in shower shave-Gillette Foamy regular razor-Gillette Sensor Deuce Pivot DisposeABLE A.S.-Royal Copenhagen Real nice shave. A water-tap dunk and shake to set up the Foany. Clean and clear all over. Zero damage. One pass. Fine close with the Royal Copenhagen A.S., which has a delightful scent. As Outstanding As It Gets.
I agree with @ChrisB. You had to shave with your new blue tip. My mildest razor is the VdH and my original shaves were not my best. I increased the shaving angle and viva la difference.
SRS # 1219 - Sample Soap Sunday - VY Perfect Storm Rating: 4 / 5 Razor: Wade & Butcher 5/8 French Point Brush: Jayaruh 381 Badger/Boar Lather: Van Yulay Perfect Storm Aftershave: Sailor Jerry Spiced Navy Additional Care: Omega Alum Dickenson’s Original Witch Hazel Stirling Unscented Glacial Balm Close shave this morning, however I had a challenge with the lather. I used the mixed boar/badger brush which appeared to have just sucked up the soap. Also, in looking at the soap I may have slightly over hydrated it. I still managed to get a close three pass shave with a barely visible lather on the face. Considering that fact, I managed no errors and a close shave . Half a point demerit for the poor lather. We will find out if I have been results next Sunday when I Fitzgerald this sample.
fine sample sunday shave and pic Joe...in a demanding shave soap market first impressions count..sounds like maybe a permenant fitzgerald?
January 12 SOTA Straight Razor Shave # 599 Frederick Reynolds JR #290 Cashmere Brush Stirling Spice SS and AS Stirling Alum Block Personal Care Witch Hazel Beard Growth: 25.5 hrs It's a Stirling Spice Sunday Straight Razor Shave this afternoon. I picked this setup because I want a very close shave and a nice fragrance for church tonight. This straight is super sharp and I was more vigilant on my approach shaving with it. Lol! It's a square point so it's easy to poke yourself if one is not careful. Anyway, I did 3 error-free passesfor a BBS shave. I couldn't ask for anything more. As you guys are aware, I like alliterative phrases and Stirling Spice Sunday Straight Shave says it all. I decided to bowl lather because it's been a week since my last one. Here's my lather: I didn't get any alum feedback so that tells me I was spot on with my technique. Splashed on the witch hazel and the matching aftershave to finish the shave. I didn't get any alcohol burn from the aftershave so that just confirms this nice shave. The next 2 open blade shaves will give me 600 shavette and 600 straight shaves. So, my next shave will be with my Dovo shavette and the following shave will be with Artie. These 2 are my appropriate choices because the Dovo Shavette was my first open blade razor in my early wetshaving journey and Artie was my first custom Razor and also my first straight that went over the 8/8 line. Alas, when these 2 shaves are completed, I will have reached 1200 shaves. That's still way off of 2000 and that is when I would consider myself a master open blade shaver because I would have 1000 straight razor shaves and 1000 shavette shaves. My projection based on 200 shaves a year would be sometime in 2029. Anyway, you guys have a great Sunday and Monday.
Super Sunday shave Joe. I know we all strive for a good lather coverage, but I am a firm believer that if you got a good shave, then the lather was fine.
Very nice shave and 1200 shaves with straights/shavettes. Sounds to me like you've already mastered the art. Or are at least well on your way to that title!
fine stirling shave and pics Joe..i don't think there would ever be a problem with a stirling lather..
Thanks Neal. I am glad that I am not limited to any razor style, but I enjoy shaving with straights and shavettes much more
-The-Sunday-Shave- no.15 simpson mdc proraso good evening gents very late post, lovely mdc lather smooth 2 passer,minor pick ups thayers lemon and azur lime cologne to finish awesome have a great evening everyone
January 12, 2025 Jillette January Razor - 1959 (E3) Gillette Flare Tip Super Speed Blade - (Russian) Soap - Proraso Red Brush - Semogue 620 Boar Finish - Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum Birth year Gillette time. First up is the Flare Tip Superspeed, 1959 (E3) that was my first birth year razor. This is the most common Super Speed as far as design. The Flare Tip was made from 1954 to 1966, while the Blue and Red Tips were only made from 1955 to 1960. The Flare Tip is the razor I remember being on the sink and bathtub when I was very young. My dad would graduate from the Flare Tip to the Gillette Techmatic, and finally to the Trac II razor when it was introduced. He was a Gillette man to the bone, and when I decided to buy my first razor and came home with a Schick Injector you'd have thought I had committed a major felony. Enough reminiscing and on to the shave. The Flare Tip is the "normal" Super Speed, even by Gillette's definition. It's heavier than the Blue Tip with a great blade gap and angle so it's a bit more aggressive. It's lighter than the Red Tip and has a less aggressive gap and angle, so it fits right in the middle. I put a Gillette Nacet in it (sneaking in a Russian while I'm in exile using only Gillette blades) and the two make a good pair. It provides great tactile and audio feedback, and is clearly more aggressive than yesterday's experience with the Blue. Proraso Red and the Semogue boar gave me all the lather I'd ever need and I did a full two passes with some touch up XTG and ATG along jaw lines. Finished with a near BBS, which is as good as it gets. The Bay Rum had me singing a few lines out of Sweeney Todd and it was a fine shave. Without using Fine. Finally. I'm done again. Monday looms in the near future. This could be an interesting week. We're on a shutdown right now. Well, GM is for another week. We supply a part for the trucks so us lucky bosses have been puttering around trying to look busy. I have an interview with a different company tomorrow afternoon so looking forward to that. Either way, it's back to full speed next week so I'd better enjoy my puttering around time.