What do ya look like

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by Will, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. MoAllen

    MoAllen King of Unscented

    Great picture! What's the location?
  2. mycarver

    mycarver New Member

    Me with my grand daughter. Don't look at me,, look at her, otherwise you may loose your cookies!

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  3. Xezmer

    Xezmer Active Member

    I imagined you being much older :D
    hoglahoo likes this.
  4. soapbuddy

    soapbuddy Mistress of Lather

    What a nice pic mycarver! She's a cutie!
  5. mycarver

    mycarver New Member

    Thank you soapbuddy, and just for clarity's sake, I'm not the one she's sitting on, I'm standing next to her.
  6. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

    Thanks for the clarity, I was about to mention how badly you needed a shave....:rofl
  7. markb

    markb New Member

    A couple of me...


  8. aberneth

    aberneth Member


    Note: I am not actually pink. The girl on my arm does not actually glow white. She's wearing 3 inch heels in this picture, which brought her up to 6'1". So now you have a perspective on my massive 6'5" frame.
  9. ChemErik

    ChemErik Mr. Personality

    Mark - that's a great looking hat!
  10. markb

    markb New Member

  11. soapbuddy

    soapbuddy Mistress of Lather

  12. Racso_MS

    Racso_MS Enjoy Your Shave

    HOW DO I LOOK???

    Just horrible...:happy102
  13. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    The Munky

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    RyX likes this.
  14. Xezmer

    Xezmer Active Member

    Here's me at the Hoover Dam During (mid?) December:

  15. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    I think Mark and Erik could be related.... there is a bit of resemblance that I can't quite put my finger on....
  16. CSL

    CSL Member

    This is from a couple of years back.
    me SF 300dpi.jpg
  17. aberneth

    aberneth Member

    Wait wait wait wait. wait. I thought you were 60 something with a giant mustache :eek:
    hoglahoo likes this.
  18. JoeMal

    JoeMal Member

    That's the joy of these threads! Somehow we come up with these impressions of people based off of a simple name and avatar...sometimes we are right, sometimes we are totally wrong!

    Me, drunk, on my honeymoon (go figure!). And yes, I sport a beard *GASP* At least I shave my neck!
  19. hoglahoo

    hoglahoo Yesterday's News

    The giant moustache is a prosthetic, and I age well :)
  20. Bird Lives

    Bird Lives Future Root Beer King of Turkey

    Well it looks like everyones making the scene, so here goes..BTW these are from this years B-day...

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    RyX likes this.

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