SoS for Pirate Day

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Will, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. Will

    Will Nevermind

    Since we have some overzealous folks here at TSD (i.e. Rich :rofl ).

    I am going to open the Thread early. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

  2. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    Now that is a lot closer to what I look like! :D

    I'm very cartoon-ish in appearance. :rofl
  3. qhsdoitall

    qhsdoitall Wilbur

    I resemble that!

    Merkur 34G Gold Classic HD Double Edged Razor (First Pass)
    Dovo Ebenholz 5/8 Silver Steel Straight Razor w/Ebony Scales (Pass 2/3)
    (It's Cutthroat Day!)

    Issy Bay Rum and Guiness Stout Bar Soap
    Ogallala Bay Rum & Hazelnut Coffee Hand & Body Lotion
    Mama Bear
    Marauder's Citrus Bay Rum & Tangerine Shave Soap (Pre-Lather)
    QED QEDman Bay Rum Shave Soap
    Pinaud Clubman Classic Virgin Island Bay Rum Aftershave
    Ogallala Bay Rum Special Reserve Double Strength Cologne

    Afternoon Cologne Spritz
    Saint Charles Shave LLC Bay Rum With a Twist Eau De Toilette


    Really? Pirate's Code Honor? :D
  4. Will

    Will Nevermind

    HD/IP (going gentle)
    Kent BK8
    The Gentleman's Quarter Bay Rum and Orange
    Masters Bay Rum ASL
    Burt's Bees Bay Rum ASB
    Mama Bear Bay Rum EDC

  5. Baloosh

    Baloosh Duder

    (For) Friday AM

    In honor of Joanna. Best of luck in your laser treatments. Stay strong. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hot shower
    Proraso Pre-Post at end of shower
    TOP Finest Silvertip Ebony
    Feather ACD-N (Japanese) straight w/ Pro Guard blade (Day 5)
    Touch up w/ '63 Fatboy w/ Sharps blade (Day 2)
    QED Bay Rum soap + SCS Bay Rum w/ a Twist cream
    TGQ Bay Rum w/ Sweet Orange soap for final pass + T&C
    Warm water rinse
    Cold water rinse
    Pinaud Bay Rum A/S splash (YOWZA gets me every time!)
    Cold water rinse
    Booster Island Bay Rum A/S splash
    Cold water rinse
    SCS Bay Rum A/S balm + QED Bay Rum A/S Skin Conditioner + QED Limes A/S Skin Conditioner
    SCS Bay Rum w/ a Twist Cologne
  6. Padron

    Padron Active Member

    For Friday

    Rooney Style 1 Size 1 Super
    TGQ Bay Rum w/ Sweet Orange / SCS B&B Bay Rum w/ Twist
    TM Honey Brown Strop
    6/8 Smith Wedge / Chandler Sword scales :D
    Masters Bay Rum AS
    Ogallala Bay Rum AS
    SCS B&B Bay Rum w/ Twist EDT

    Great Shave :D


    Wishing you a speedy recovery JoAnna :D;):D
  7. DragonBoy

    DragonBoy Team Player

    Friday 29th

    This one is for JoAnna.. My thought are with you..

    Ogalla Bay Rum PreShave

    Erik Anton Berg 4/8
    Muehle Pure
    Susies Homemade Bay Rum Ss
    Pinaud Bay Rum AS

    Ogalla Bay Rum Cologne
    GF Trumper Bay Rum Cologne

    Attached Files:

  8. PalmettoB

    PalmettoB The Old Guard

    Pirate Day


    Col. Conk Bay Rum soap (in cup)
    Taylor of Old Bond Street P373 brush
    Wostenholm Pipe Razor 5/8
    Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum a/s
    B&B with a Twist EDT

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, JoAnna!
  9. moviemaniac

    moviemaniac Tool Time


    NDC SuperSpeed
    (Can't remember the blade :D )
    MP best badger
    SCS B&B Bay Rum w/a twist SC
    Dominica BayRum
    L'Occitane Cade ASB

    Esteban Secrete Afrique EdT
  10. Bronco

    Bronco Mac Daddy

    JoAnna Day

    Merkur 1904
    Crystal Blade
    Honeybee Spa Bay Rum Soap
    Kent BK4
    Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum
  11. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    JoAnna, my thoughts are with you, in spite of the fact that I didn't use any bay rum stuff today.
  12. jlander

    jlander New Member

    JoAnna, I wish you a speedy and complete recovery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table – Rick Wakeman (vinyl)

    Hot Shower

    SCS Sandalwood Bath Bar, MB Rosemary/Mint Shampoo, Avalon Organics Rosemary Conditioner

    4” Coors Mortar
    Kent BK8 Finest Silvertip
    Classic Shaving Bay Rum SS
    GEM Push Button w/ GEM Stainless (day 2)
    3 passes
    QED Da Vinci Water
    Dominica Bay Rum
    SCS Bay Rum with a Twist EdT

    Pinaud Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic

    Attached Files:

  13. johnniegold

    johnniegold New Member

    Pirate Shave Day For Her Majesty

    after shower at the sink:

    '66 Gillette SS/IP (2)
    EJ Medium Silvertip
    Trumper LSF
    SCS B&B Bay Rum w/a Twist s/c
    warm water rinse
    touch up with disposable Gillette
    cold water splash
    Thayers Lavender w/h
    ToBS #74 Victorian Lime a/s
    SCS B&B Bay Rum w/a Twist edt
  14. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    Thank you so much guys!

    I'm off to see the wizard......err....I mean, the eye doctor soon.

    I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. I definetly need them. :ashamed001
  15. rick

    rick I'll make ya SCream!

    prolly no shave today.....but


    Michelsons BayRum AS splash
    Em's BayRum ASB
    SCS BayRum with a Twist EdT
    and dabs 'O Royall BayRum on the "hot spots"

    Good Luck MoM ! ::mat
    We'll be here waiting for ya ;)
  16. jramire2

    jramire2 Member

    Todays shave.

    T&H Preshave Oil (a citrus scent, thought it'd go w/bay rum)
    Honeybee Spa Soap - Bay Rum (great stuff!)
    Alum Block
    Pinaud Bay Rum mixed w/a little Jason Tea Tree & Aloe gel (ow ow ow ow)
  17. TraderJoe

    TraderJoe Pink Floid

    For JoAnna!

    BOCK Grey Badger Brush
    The Gentleman's Quarter Bay Rum w/ Orange Shave Soap
    Gold Merkur HD Slant Razor
    Unknown blade from Tom-in-Germany (Chroma?)
    St. John's Bay Rum Aftershave Splash
    Burts' Bees Bay Rum Aftershave Balm w/ a dab of Anherb to pep up the menthol ;)
    Burts' Bees Bay Rum Cologne Splash
  18. TraderJoe

    TraderJoe Pink Floid

    Excellent photos, guys have got mad skillz! :D :signs154
  19. Smedley

    Smedley New Member

    Hot shower
    MB Attar of Roses cream
    Gillette NEW/Wilkinson Sword
    Witch hazel
    Michelsen Bay Rum/Booster Bay Rum
    DR Harris Aftershave milk

    AHRRRRR! Mateys.
  20. Scorpio

    Scorpio Big Hitter

    Hot shower and towel
    AOS Best Badger
    Florena Shaving cream
    Kayser Ellison & Co. 5/8 Oblique Point
    Proraso ASB
    Dominica Bay Rum AS the only Bay rum I have


    We are pulling for you today!!!!

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