Any Ideas?

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by Grant, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Grant

    Grant Active Member

    I was recently given this by a family member as a gift, it has never been used, it is a 3 piece DE razor. I have trawled the internet for "clear razor" or "see-through razor" but can't find anything. Any ideas? Cheers Grant

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  2. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    It's a Stealth Razor!

    Just kidding. I have no idea. It is pretty cool, though.
  3. Etoyoc

    Etoyoc Backwards

    Haven't seen one like that. Pretty cool!
  4. Regan

    Regan Well-Known Member

    haha a Ninja Razor?

    But ya that is neat. Have you shaved with it?
  5. Williams Warrior

    Williams Warrior Well-Known Member

    Jody is the one who needs to see this, he'll have the answer you seek. As for me I have no idea.
  6. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

    I can only imagine it to be a prototype of some sort, I have no idea, but there's no telling.
    Very cool find!
  7. tomnat

    tomnat accepting applications

    I have never seen one like that before, but I agree with everyone else, it's a very cool razor. I would imagine it would be pretty light though.
  8. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Hey, wasn't that designed by the same folks who made Wonder Woman's plane?
    Grant likes this.
  9. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Did your family member say where they had found it? In a shop/antique store/in a drawer some place?
  10. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Ha! Good one Steve! :happy097:

    That is a very interesting razor. Do you think it is Lucite?
  11. Grant

    Grant Active Member

    they picked it up at a jumble sale/bric a brac sale it was in a set with a clear comb and nothing else they know i like razor so gave it to me >
  12. Grant

    Grant Active Member

    I don't think so i have a problem distinguishing the difference between that and plastic, can you help with telling me . ps. it's only 11g
  13. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Looking at Yahoo Images, under "plastic double edge razors" yours looks alot like what they are showing for surgical prep razors. All of that style I have found so far are plastic, and appear to be 3 piece razors.
  14. Grant

    Grant Active Member

    The case it came in had lots of spaces like a travel set , which searce engine are you using I couldn't bring up anything ? sorry just seen you use yahoo :p
  15. Grant

    Grant Active Member

    Na haven't used it because it's in such good condition
  16. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    IF it came with a travel kit I guess that knocks out my idea... hmmmm Jody!!! Where are you when we need you? lol
  17. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    Figure out what it's made of and I bet it'll polish up like crystal.
  18. Grant

    Grant Active Member

    most of the sergical razors seem to take smaller blades like nymph ones so i'm still no closer to who made it lol

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  19. Slivovitz

    Slivovitz Well-Known Member

    I may actually have an answer for you. I searched on the word "transparent" in Waits Compendium and came up with two razors very much like this. I think yours may be a Kama. Waits says "Kama, Solingen Germany, Gillette style, smooth bar guard, all parts except cap screw are transparent plastic, German patent no. reg 1427272." He shows photos, one in a case, one outside of it. Looks quite a lot like yours, but the photos are copy protected within the PDF, and I don't want to cheat the copy protection with a screen shot. When I Google "Kama Razor", all I come up with is straights, so maybe the safety razor was just a sideline for them. No information on when it was made.

    He also lists another all transparent plastic German razor, the Fasan, but it has a slant head.
  20. Dridecker

    Dridecker Sherlock

    Now that is one good looking razor!

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