Your worst blade

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by ChemErik, May 13, 2010.

  1. Bobby Mac

    Bobby Mac Member

    Derby's really dont agree with me! Kai, Feather, & Red Personna are my everyday blades. I might as well add; I have over 30 razors and the Blue Tip for some reason also doesnt agree with me and it is my least favorite Razor ever
  2. Jasman

    Jasman Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great PIF candidate! ;)
  3. 178-bplatoon

    178-bplatoon Well-Known Member

    My absolute "WORST" blade has been Derby.....:)
  4. aubug

    aubug Member

    Sputniks are the worst for me
  5. kingfisher

    kingfisher Active Member

    7AM is probably objectively the worst blade in the known universe.

    But I hate Dorco blades, too, even the ST-301.
  6. Ryan B

    Ryan B Knight of the Soapocracy

    Gillette 7 o' Clock Blue, Israeli Personna, Voskhod, Astra SP, and Derby.
  7. Kawika503

    Kawika503 Active Member

    For me, Dorco and Lord Platinum get my vote. I'd be okay if I never shave with either of those two ever again.
    And being the nice guy I am, I'd take those terrible Voskhod's and Astra SP's off Ryan's hands :happy088:
  8. LifesShort

    LifesShort Well-Known Member

    I'm still new to this and haven't tried many different blades so far, but I just used a Wilkinson Sword for the first time and did not like it at all. So far my favorite is the Astra SP. The Wilkinson seemed pretty dull by comparison. There was lots of pulling and tugging. I'll give it one more day, but if I don't get getter results, the rest will eventually be PIFfed.
  9. btbill

    btbill Member

    I haven't found a bad blade, yet.
    I do have a 5 pack of Derby's to try......
  10. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    NOOOO!!!! Not yet, anyway. Stash the blades away for a few months and work on improving your technique. Pull out those blades and try 'em again in 5-6 months and then see how you like 'em. I've heard many stories of folks doing just that with blades, soaps, razors - all stuff they thought was garbage, only to try them again later and think they struck gold.

    So try that. If then you find they still don't work for you, then PIF 'em.
    Erik Redd likes this.
  11. LifesShort

    LifesShort Well-Known Member

    I'll hang on to them for a while and revisit them, but I sure don't expect great things from them. I couldn't make it through my second pass with the Wilkinson's this morning. The tugging and pulling was killing me. Halfway through the second pass I replaced the blade with an Astra SP and the difference was night and day. I quickly and painlessly completed the rest of the shave with the Astra.
  12. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Just goes to show you how different folks are - I popped in a fresh Wilkinson this morning and had a smooth, comfortable darn near BBS shave that felt great. Astra SPs are my primary blade.
  13. tuxxdk

    tuxxdk International Penguin of Mystery

    I'd say the Astra SP and Wilkinson are very alike. With an edge to the Wilkinson for being more smooth and a tad sharper.

    But I must also point out, I had blades in the beginning that tore my face. Using them now gives me good shaves. So it's definitely about technique also!
  14. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    Night and day for me. I couldn't stand wilkies. But, ymmv as always. That apparently applies with shaving penguins too. :D
    BamaT likes this.
  15. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Well, there ya go. I've never shaved a penguin.
  16. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    You're not missing much. :rofl:
  17. tuxxdk

    tuxxdk International Penguin of Mystery

    I can say for sure, that this penguin shaves itself!! :p

    It's just funny/weird that two blades I find so similar can be night/day for others. I could understand if they were night and day to me also, but it was a YMMV on what blade one would like...
  18. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    Bluebirds and Merkur are my least favorite blades. All other blades I've been able to use happily in at least one of my razors.
  19. BamaT

    BamaT Well-Known Member

    I started DE shaving Christmas Day of 2012 and haven't looked back. Blades I've tried include Astra SP, Personna Blue Med Prep, Personna Red, Vokshkod, Crystal, Wilkinson, Gillette 7:00 Yellow, Dollar General, Fred's, and 7:00 A.M.

    The 7:00 A.M. Was without a doubt the worst blade, by far. I managed to finish one shave, changed to next blade in the box thinking maybe the first was a dud, but I didn't even get through one pass before changing to a different brand.
  20. Monty Craig

    Monty Craig Member

    I have yet to find a blade that I hate, but I don't care for Mercurs or Dollar General brand very much.

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