This has to be one for the books!

Discussion in 'The Brush' started by Monty Craig, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Monty Craig

    Monty Craig Member

    Hi Gents, I spend a lot of time on the road traveling with a Southern Gospel Quartet. We log a lot of miles in that Silver Eagle, and I realised that last weekend I left my brush at home! This could have been disastrous, but looking at my photo, you can see that I have a goatee. So I just squeezed a little bit of shave cream into my hand, added a bit of water, and started in rubbing it into my beard! Voila' I had enough lather to shave with, and then some. I thought some of you might get a laugh, or need a smile... Life on the road. :D

  2. BamaT

    BamaT Well-Known Member

    Monty, what's the name of your quartet, or would you prefer not to say?
    GDCarrington likes this.
  3. Lexicon Devil

    Lexicon Devil the Liberace of shaving

    Bowl lathering, face lathering, and now, beard lathering. What next?
  4. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

  5. Monty Craig

    Monty Craig Member

    Hey Bama T, I sing with a group out of southern Indiana called Open Heart Quartet. :)
    BamaT and GDCarrington like this.
  6. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    That is pretty cool Monty, I never thought of that. It is almost a reason to grow a goatee.....
    BamaT, GDCarrington and Monty Craig like this.
  7. Monty Craig

    Monty Craig Member

    I can be a dilemma at times. I like the smoothness and enjoyment of shaving. My wife likes the beard as she says it helps hide the ugly!
    BamaT and GDCarrington like this.
  8. Daytonkb

    Daytonkb Well-Known Member

    Haha love the idea! Keep singing the Gospel my friend, God Bless!
    Sontag and GDCarrington like this.
  9. Bird Lives

    Bird Lives Future Root Beer King of Turkey

    So you used your 'Brush' for a! Have you tried using your Goatee with a bowl to make your lather? ;)

    "...helps hide the ugly!!!!" :eek: I think that remark might garner you a "Get out of jail free card" for your next RAD offence.....:happy097:
    GDCarrington and battle.munky like this.
  10. BamaT

    BamaT Well-Known Member

    I like a lot of different kinds of music, and still have an affinity for Southern Gospel. I like some of the contemporary Christian music, but we have a whole generation coming up that has no idea what four part harmony is, much less how to sing it. I can't read the first note of music, but can sing a decent bass part if it isn't too complicated.

    What part do you sing?

    Edit: I sing a bass part by sight reading music.
  11. F. Dragos

    F. Dragos Active Member

    Yeah, I tried that too with my goatee. It didn't lather as good as a brush though, but it did work. I had to put a little bit more cream than I use with the brush.
  12. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    Ryan B and battle.munky like this.
  13. HoosierTrooper

    HoosierTrooper Steve-less in Indiana

    That's my neck of the woods.
    Monty Craig likes this.
  14. Monty Craig

    Monty Craig Member

    Bama, I sing lead or baritone, whichever I am called to do at that moment. :)

    Hoosier Trooper, where do you hang your hat? We're from Bedford!
  15. BamaT

    BamaT Well-Known Member

    Impressive! Not only do you beard lather, but can sing different parts while doing it!

    Looked up your quartet website, that's a good looking group. I'm impressed that your son is singing with you. It's great to have a father/son connection like that. My son and I used to play competitive table tennis, and we currently shoot in handgun competition. I really enjoy the times we have together, and I know you must get a lot of joy having your son not only singing with you, but also using his talent to spread the Gospel and bless others.
  16. HoosierTrooper

    HoosierTrooper Steve-less in Indiana


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