I have the Clubman styptic. It works great, which is important for me as I am on anti-coagulants for life...
I read this, and bought a bottle of the Thayers Which Hazel, I also have the RazoRock Ultimate Aftershave Alum. I also have a Stypic Pen, I don't rememeber what brand it is I have had it for years, I found it in a drawer the other day. (forgot I had it)
I've got a styptic pencil and alum block. The styptic pencil is what I use. It's accurate and easy to use. It turns out I'm not a fan of alum blocks, but it's there if I need it.
Good info thank you. If it is a good slash and all else fails have someone hold it closed and super glue it. Works every time.
Thanks Gary! I've used my syptic pencil on minor cuts, it worked great! Have yet to use it on my face. "Knock on wood"
Excellent article and important to all of us. Thanks Gary! Can't say enough good about Witch Hazel. It's amazing stuff and has many uses. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/TIP05285/Wondering-How-to-Use-Witch-Hazel.html
Witch hazel is good stuff. One pointer though is that of you have dry skin stay away at least from the stuff that contains Alcohol. If you have dry skin you can opt for Thayers. Not bad but not as good as Dickinsons, IMO. But in life sometime you need to make compromises.
My Dad, a WW2 Vet, was a Japanese Flag artist. He taught me everything there is to know about: How To Use TP to stop the flow. He never called them Japanese Flags though. Too funny!
Just found this section. Great writeup, I'm a slow clutter. I have to hit it with stypic before I can keep shaving... Inconvenient. I may get some of that stypic gel stuff. Thanks!