SoS: January 4, 2016 - January 10, 2016

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by crackstar, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    A new year is here and here's the first kick-off!

    Menthol Monday:

    Neutrogena Men Facial Wash :love055: :love055: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily:
    Omega Red Handle :love055: :love055: :love055: :love055: :love055:
    Super Speed/new Derby
    Palmolive Menthol SC :love055: :love055: :love055: :love055: :love055: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily:
    Gold Bond Moisturizer :love055: :love055: :love055: :love055: :love055: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily:
    Osage Rub AS :love055: :love055: :love055: :love055: :love055: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily: :Animatedfrozensmily:
    Drakkar Noir EdT

    Not as intensely-frigid as usual but still frigid, as far as I'm concerned. I want to get this new Omega brush broken in as soon as possible, because right now it's still not up to the task of tackling my Glacial soaps which can sometimes be a challenge to a new brush. The Palmolive Menthol cream has that wonderful minty scent that I love so much with such great lather, and plenty of icy goodness. The Gold Bond/Rubby Dubby Doo are a combination made in heaven! ;) :D

    palmmenthwt_grande.jpg gold-bond-medicated-body-lotion-400-ml-600x600.jpg CLU929020_Clubman_Jeris_Osage_Rub_Toner.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
  2. ssultan01

    ssultan01 Well-Known Member

    Loving the freeze! Feather blade, Above The Tie M1 razor, Simpson Duke 3 Manchurian Badger, Chiseled Face Cryogen.
    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 34 others like this.
  3. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor

    Dove Men Face Wash
    Arko Stick
    Semogue Owners Club
    Schick E
    CWR, Asma Alum Block
    Thayers Rose Petal WH
    Pinaud Clubman

    The Arko Shave Soap face-lathered well with my Semogue Owners Club boar brush. Two passes with my Schick E injector razor and a Personna Stainless blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse, alum block, and a final cold water rinse, I finished off with Thayers Rose Petal WH and then Pinaud Clubman after shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  4. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    January 4

    Gillette Flare Tip Super Speed (Z3)
    Feather (3)
    Rudy Vey Shavemac two-band silver tip
    XPEC unscented
    Two passes plus touch-ups
    Thayer's Lavender witch hazel, unrefined shea butter, and Fine Platinum

    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 32 others like this.
  5. ram57

    ram57 Don't Open til Christmas

    Menthol Monday Planned SOTD


    Razor: Cobra Classic
    Blade Feather Artist Club Professional (D11)
    Brush: RV Butterscotch 28mm Super Silvertip
    Bowl: Symmetrical Pottery Shave Bowl
    Pre Shave Scrub: MRGLO
    Pre Shave Balm: Prep
    Shave Soap: Beaver WoodWright Jolly Rodger M-Bombed
    Post: MdC Huile végétale camomille
    Aftershave: Beaver WoodWright Jolly Rodger
    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 32 others like this.
  6. PLAla

    PLAla Bit Shy of a Full Puck

    SOTD January 4, 2016

    Pre: Warm shower
    Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (1)
    Razor: 3-piece
    Brush: Satin Tip 'The Purest' synthetic
    Lather: Proraso White
    Post: Witch hazel splash, Speick a/s, Nivea sensitive balm
    WTG, ATG, touch-up

    I am beginning a 30-day focus today, as well as returning to work after the holiday break. Like some of you I am a teacher.

    Nice shave this morning! I had a two-day beard growth due to not shaving yesterday. The Proraso White provides nice cushion and a new Rapira blade worked quite well.

    Hope you have a great day!

    SOTD 1-4-16.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 32 others like this.
  7. melyus

    melyus Well-Known Member

  8. JR Reyes

    JR Reyes I scream for....chicken wings??

  9. Hodge

    Hodge Well-Known Member

    Very nice set up. Hows the Lavanda EdC?
    Bama Samurai, ram57, vwp528 and 6 others like this.
  10. Hodge

    Hodge Well-Known Member

    Planned Monday SoTD

    Kamasori blade
    Thater 4125 badger brush
    Mé Costa Dorada shaving soap
    Mentholated witch hazel - not shown
    Lea aftershave
    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 31 others like this.
  11. Troy M

    Troy M Prep: Mephitis mephitis musk

    Planned Shave 1/4/16

    Lather: Dusy Kabinett
    Brush: TGN Finest
    Razor: Ikon B1 Standard bar
    Blade: Astra SP (2)
    Post: Old Spice

    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 29 others like this.
  12. ilts

    ilts Well-Known Member


    Gillette Old Type OC
    Lord Stainless(1)
    VDH Boar
    Body Nature Soap
    Cold Water Rinse
    Witch Hazel,Nivea PSB
    Pinaud Clubman A/S

    Did the normal three passes this morning, everything worked well together, first time with the Lord stainless blade,
    felt good no irritation whatsoever. I always seem to get a great shave with my Old Type OC no matter what blade I use.
    So to start my work week I got a BBS shave!:D

    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 31 others like this.

    TXFIVEO Well-Known Member

  14. Morman Bridge

    Morman Bridge Well-Known Member

    Good Morning all, here's today's SOTD;

    NDC SteamPunk Fat Handle Tech-done by Delta Echo Razor Works.
    Personna Platinum Chrome.
    Chinese Badger hair brush.
    Ray's of Colorado (Ray's 'ol Spiced) shaving soap.
    Avon Mesmerize Post Shave Conditioner.
    Avon Mesmerize cologne.

    Good Morning all, today's shave was a two pass DFS. Unfortunately, my shaving soap has been in the mug too long, and it has become impossible to lather. I had to lather and shave one side at a time, because the lather would dissipate. I've never experienced that before. I have had good luck with this soap previously. Anyway it turned out okay. Here's the photo-


    Have a great day!
    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 30 others like this.
  15. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Razor – Cobra Classic
    Blade – Feather Pro (5)
    Brush – Rudy Vey with Shavemac Finest
    Lather – MdC Fougere
    Post - Witch Hazel followed by Fine Platinum

    macaronus, mrchick, MoAllen and 30 others like this.
  16. Morman Bridge

    Morman Bridge Well-Known Member

    Cool photo, I haven't gotten around to getting any of the Caties Bubbles products, but I've heard great things about their soaps. Great photo there, very colorful.
    ram57, Slow Joe, vwp528 and 5 others like this.
  17. Tdmsu

    Tdmsu Well-Known Member

    Back to the first
    Ferox is the first B&M soap I tried, in Spring 2014. I love the peppered grapefruit scent and the performance. Today was no exception, as I face lathered over a light coating of GreenShave, producing ample glide and protection for three passes on 5.5 with der Futur. I finished up with Lavanille Tonique and I'm ready to go back to school.
  18. Norcalnewb

    Norcalnewb Magnanimous Moos


    Menthol Monday January 4:

    Homemade PS Oil
    VDH Boar Brush
    Stirling Cool SS
    Ontario Cutlery Co.
    Stirling Unscented PSB -- Mentholated
    Skin Bracer
  19. Omelmad

    Omelmad My printer email address is..........

    Shave of the day

    Pre- Hot shower, Jumping Juniper shampoo cake from Lush
    Soap/cream- Razorock XXX
    Brush- Plisson synthetic
    Razor- Merkur 37c
    Blade- Personna lab blue
    Post- Cold water rinse, Humphrey Witch hazel, Nivea Original aftershave balm and Egyptian magic

    It was a long time ago since I used the merkur37c. It sure shaves differently from the Weber! It was also the first time pairing it with a Personna. It was a nice and smooth shave. I was very careful during this shave because I tend to apply to much pressure when I switch from a razor to the merkur, this resulted in an irritation free shave but not the closest ever =P oh well, it's okey. I think I'm gonna stick to the Merkur for a little while and see what happens =D

    The RR XXX is a good performer and smells very nice, the post shave leaves a little to be missed. I would appreciate it more if it was more moisturizing/less drying.

    I tried applying Egyptian magic to the face, I read it could be used as an aftershave and I wanted to try it. I might have put to much on because I feel pretty greasy, but that's how the products is. So I'm not so sure =P maybe less next time if this doesn't mess up the balance in my skin haha!
  20. preidy

    preidy Just call me Dino

    I'm with you 100% on the CWS.
    macaronus, ram57, vwp528 and 5 others like this.
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