Nick proof shavette you make

Discussion in 'Straight Razors' started by Carbide Mike, May 31, 2016.

  1. Carbide Mike

    Carbide Mike 9 Lives

    Pm me., and we will figure something out.
    Bama Samurai, RyX and Robyflexx like this.
  2. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    Mike, I love your ideas (the drinking straw to tighten the blade in a Fatip was brilliant) ... please get better soon!
    RyX and Robyflexx like this.
  3. Carbide Mike

    Carbide Mike 9 Lives

    Thank you brother. It gets worse before it gets better, but the facial pain and malaria drugs are taking a toll. I want it up too ! This is really good. It works, you will laugh hard, and have fun, and smile posting. Sincerely thank you for the well wishes. I appreciate it
    Bama Samurai likes this.
  4. nunhgrader

    nunhgrader Member

    Bama Samurai likes this.
  5. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    Sorry to hear you've had a rough go lately. Rest well, hope you find some relief soon!
  6. Carbide Mike

    Carbide Mike 9 Lives

    Thank you. Sincerely Carbide Mike
  7. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    Get better Mike!!
    Bama Samurai and Robyflexx like this.

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