Unlike an online purchase where there is no face to face opportunity, the OP had an open door to discuss shaving and perhaps offer a few pointers. If the seller shows no interest or desire to be educated, simply thank the seller and be on your way. I'm certainly not going to shove "my way or the highway" down someone's throat, but I'll definitely take the opportunity to educate someone who's willing to learn. And how will you know either way if you don't at least push on that door just a little bit?
Valid points. It's a judgement call. Regardless of what you do there's never any reason to make yourself feel guilty about your decision. I've been an electronic cigarette user for 7 years. I've experienced the benefits of choosing (what I believe to be) a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes. Quite naturally I encounter smokers who might also benefit from trying electronic cigarettes. I don't have enough hours in the day to share what I know with these people. I have to acknowledge, however, that not all of those people I encounter care a whit about electronic cigarettes. Even if listening may potentially save their lives. As great as my enthusiasm is I'm continually reminded of something critical I learned from my days of studying spirituality that applies each and every day: It's not my job to proselytize. People often resent offers of help or advise they haven't asked for. If anything, I risk potentially pushing people away from something they may gladly pursue later had I not gifted them my unsolicited advice. ("Be wary of assuming you know what's right for Someone Else...Someone Else may begin assuming they know what's right for YOU...!") I CAN and most certainly should prepare myself to assist those who seek whatever it is I have to offer. The uncanny aspect of this is I don't have to seek these people out. People who need my assistance or advice seem to gravitate to me and are grateful for whatever it is I'm willing to share. (The same can be said about encountering people from which I have something to learn.) I'll recognize these people because they'll either ask for assistance or give me an indication they're receptive to what I choose to share. There's never any need to "push" or "impose". I simply accept the invitation to share when the opportunity presents itself...IF I choose to do so.
I would have bought the blades then told him to try another blade/blades that he could still find the one for him. Sent from my QMV7B using Tapatalk