SOS: September 2018

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Boojum1, Aug 31, 2018.

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  1. david of central florida

    david of central florida Rhubarb Rubber

    Hot Water wash after shower
    T-400/ silvertip
    Stirling Bergamot Lavender
    Rockwell 6s (6)
    Rockwell swedish ss (5)
    Laboritorios del Pueblo Lavender Florida Water (iced)
    Dr. Teal's Lavender body lotion
    Tonight's shave was very nice. I opted for soothing Lavender instead of menthol Monday. Very nice lather, applied generously with the T-400. I used the 6s on 6. I'm very surprised by the extreme comfort the rockwell provides. Even maxed out the rock feels very mild, but also very efficient. I'm perfectly smooth, the rockwell blade feels better on shave 5 than on the first. I finished with a wash of lavender Florida Water, then a rub of lavender body lotion. I'm smooth and comfy. I'm really impressed with the 6s. It's ability to be so efficient while so mild feeling is remarkable. Definitely a winner.
    Hope y'all did as well, or better.
  2. Tim Spencer

    Tim Spencer Well-Known Member

    I STILL haven't gotten my West Coast Shaving "Oriental" pre-order that I bought. It still hasn't even shipped yet. :(
    clint64, Linuxguile and Boru62 like this.
  3. TestDepth

    TestDepth Well-Known Member

    Razor: Aeroshell 34
    Brush: Whipped Dog 30mm HMW Badger
    Soap: CRSW Jardin D’Orange
    A/S: Fine L’Orange Noir
    Enjoy your shave!
  4. NCoxSTL


    SEptember is a Stirling month!

    September 17 - Let's do the time warp again!!!!

    Razor - 1912 Gem
    Blade - [​IMG] (4)
    Soap - Stirling Mountain Man
    Brush - Stirling Pro Style Synthetic
    Finish - Alum

    I'm very happy to be able to report this shave tonight given the issues I've had since last night. This old Dell that has served me so very well since it arrived a couple of years ago, actually outliving a new computer before being put back in service this time, is finally showing some signs of age. The network adapter has been acting up for several months, though I didn't recognize that as the issue. I've been blaming the Cable company and their router. Forget the fact that Jennifer's laptop has never had the same problems on the same router. Just figured it was something other than my computer. Well, after posting last night, the network adapter shut down and I was unable after two hours of diagnostics and resets to get it back up and running. I gave up, shut it down and tried it again this morning. Same issue. That left me with my tablet and cell phone. Shopped a bit for Chrome books today as I've thought of going that route. Found a couple of bargains on decent ones. Got home after my delivery route tonight (and after stopping at Walmart to see a couple of them in person) and turned on the Dell. Yep, still dead on the net. Until I came back up after dinner. And here it sits, all nice and comfy and cozy on the internet. Something tells me the adapter is old and tired so a new laptop of some sort is definitely a necessity.

    However, in the meantime I'm back up and running and able to say that SEptember is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Another fine shave on the 1912 with carbon. Adding Stirling to every shave has definitely made it even more enjoyable than it would have been otherwise. The Mountain Man impresses me and my wife which is why it's a keeper. Speaking of Stirling I'm going to an event next month in St. Louis where Rod will be there with Stirling. Looking forward to meeting him.

    Finish tonight - another baby is born. House is getting crowded with them with these setups. No complaints at all.

  5. Nicked

    Nicked Well-Known Member

    Pils 101NL / Dorco Stainless / HL Thater 2018 SE / The Shaving Soap Club Hédonisme
  6. brit

    brit in a box

    nice pic...
    clint64 and Nicked like this.
  7. Jan Zoethout

    Jan Zoethout Well-Known Member

    SOTD 20180918.


    M Keramiek / APShaveCo SilkSmoke.
    St. James of London Lavender&Geranium shaving cream.
    Timeless Ti 0.68 OC / Stork Ti "Taipan" handle.
    Rembrandt Super Stainless (NOS) (1).
    Rebul "Lavanda" EdC.
  8. ilts

    ilts Well-Known Member

    Good Morning Everyone SOTD 09/18/18

    Schick G
    Schick (5)
    Chrome Handle Boar
    Col. Conk Bay Rum
    Cold Water Rinse, Alum Block
    Suavecito Bay Rum A/S

    Have A Great Day! DSCF2888.JPG
  9. PLAla

    PLAla Bit Shy of a Full Puck

    SOTD September 18, 2018
    A Stirling SEptember

    Prep: Cold water and Stirling mentholated pre-shave soap
    Blade: Schick
    Razor: Schick G4 '66' injector
    Brush: JR #142 black badger
    Soap: Stirling The Lounge
    Post: Witch hazel, Jeeves of Hudson Street Tobacco Bay Leaf aftershave

    Have a great day!

    SOTD 9-18-18.JPG
  10. Norcalnewb

    Norcalnewb Magnanimous Moos


    September 18 SOTD:

    Razor: Gem Bullet Tip
    Blade: Gem Stainless
    Brush: PAA The Green Ray
    Lather: Crown King Red Planet
    Aftershave: PAA Red Planet
    Additional Care:
    Stirling Unscented PSB
  11. jluc

    jluc smelling pretty

    September 18th
    Razor: Timeless Bronze SB
    Blade: Personna Lab Blue(2)
    Brush: Envy White Supreme 8 Ball
    Pre-shave: Stirling Mentholated
    Soap: Stirling Gentleman
    Stirling Orange Chill witch hazel
    AS: Stirling Gentleman

    Tobacco Tuesday! [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  12. Troy M

    Troy M Prep: Mephitis mephitis musk

    De Vergulde Hand, Gillette NEW LC, Rapira Super stainless, RR Plissoft, Stirling Glacial Spearmint[​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  13. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Tabac Tuesday's Shave

    Cold Water Wash
    Tabac Shave Soap
    Alpha T-400 Silvertip Badger
    Supply Provision
    Schick Proline B20
    Tabac AS

    My prep was just a cold water rinse. The Tabac Shave Soap face lathered well with the Alpha T-400 Silvertip Badger brush. I did two passes with the Supply Provision Safety Razor with a Schick Proline B20 blade and ended up with a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse, I finished off with Tabac AS. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
  14. EzraCobb

    EzraCobb Well-Known Member

  15. ajc347

    ajc347 Well-Known Member


    Today’s SOTD:

    Epsilon Horse Hair Fan
    Red Tip Rocket
    Cella & C E Bigelow Uber Lather
    E-shave White Tea Pre-Shave Oil
    T&H 1805 AS Balm
    Lord Super Stainless Classic Blades

    I’m feeling unwell today so opted for a simple, back to basics combination. I’ve never combined Cella with Proraso (C E Bigelow) before and was impressed with the results.

    I’m also really liking these blades. They feel as smooth as a Polsilver and are significantly cheaper. They’ve become the real stand out blade in the Lord line for me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Get well soon.
    clint64, Boru62 and Linuxguile like this.
  17. ajc347

    ajc347 Well-Known Member

    Thanks mate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. BaylorGator

    BaylorGator MISTER Fancypants

    Lots of learning went with today's shave. First, thanks to 30DC members and master enablers @clint64 and @Keithmax (along with several other TSD members) for their recommendation of the Bismarck. I like slightly larger, heavier blades, but this is my first heavier blade which has enough of a hollow to provide significant audible feedback. BINGO! Instant learning. The singing of the razor, gave me the feedback I needed to verify that I was still cutting hair even when using much lighter pressure. As was the case when learning DE shaving, I'm realizing that too much pressure is ALWAYS the enemy of a good shave, and this blade gives me the feedback I need to lighten up. The result was my closest shave on my neck ever. Still not BBS, but I was starting to wonder if a BBS on the neck was even possible for me with a straight. Now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Secondly, a word about the little silver container of pre-shave in the pic. In the past, I have not been impressed with pre-shaves, as my experience is that they don't do what they claim to do. In fact, that's a nice way of putting it. I kind of put pre-shave in the snake oil category. Much of this comes from the fact that I can't remember the last time I had irritation DE shaving, and believe the #1 determinant in getting an irritation free shave is proper shaving technique. Yes, I am a die-hard Technique Trumps Tools guy. (For those who have had good luck with a pre-shave, this is not to take away from your experience as YMMV.) Anyway, Mohammad at Grooming Dept, sent me a sample of his pre-shave he is developing to try out and give him feedback. (No bias here, as I've done this for a number of well known artisans developing products.) Anyway, I figured that, having not perfected my straight razor technique, and running into irritation trying way to many passes to chase the baby, this product might protect me from my own stupidity a bit. Mission accomplished. Mohammad's pre-shave really does what it says it will. First of all, it definitely reduces irritation and helps with blade glide. Sometimes my wiry whiskers can slow down a straight blade (particularly with light, full hollow 5/8 blades), and this pre-shave has really reduced the incidence of this happening. Additionally, it's not oily or goopy at all (like I find most pre-shaves to be), and after a 3 pass shave and rinse, there's no annoying oily residue to wipe off, but instead, a great feeling of skin conditioning. I continue to be amazed at Mohammad's ability to dial in formulations of shaving products to a level really not approached by most artisans. Will I use pre-shave when I don't need "training wheels" for the straight anymore? I dunno, but if I do it'll be this one for sure.
  19. shaveman

    shaveman Well-Known Member

    Paradigm 2 Titanium Razor
    Israeli Personna Blade
    Yaqi 24 mm Synthetic Brush
    Fine L'Orange Noir Shave Soap
    Nivea Men Creme Balm
    Paul Sebastian After Shave
  20. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Today’s shave:

    Nivea Facial Wash
    Razorock Plissoft 26mm Monster
    Super Speed/Shark day 3
    De Vergulde Hand SS
    Fino AS Balm
    De Vergulde Hand AS Spray
    Lagerfeld Classic EDT

    An awesome three pass BBS shave which I really enjoyed immensely - it’s unbelievable how a soap has been around for so many years. The Fino balm gives such a gentle, relaxed feeling with very good moisturizing and the Vergulde Hand aftershave stings a little, but then it feels wonderful!
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