Gillette Rocket, the refined DE.

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by MTgrayling, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. bsaric145

    bsaric145 New Member

    Yes, i believed but i have "Brit Pat" and not Patent Pending...
    brit likes this.
  2. brit

    brit in a box

    brit pat was on the hds and other razors 55 onwards..yours could be 55 due to not having the ll on the bottom..
  3. bsaric145

    bsaric145 New Member

    you are probably right! No more mystery!!
    Thanks for all!!!
    brit likes this.
  4. BBS

    BBS Well-Known Member

    54 - 58 for sure I have ads proving that date range for the British Rockets.
    brit likes this.
  5. BBS

    BBS Well-Known Member

    Here is an ad from 1956 showing the British style Rocket razor sold both as a Rocket and as a one piece.
    brit likes this.
  6. BBS

    BBS Well-Known Member

    Here is an example of a Flare Tip razor that was never sold or referred to as a Rocket though collectors still do refer to it as such.
    brit likes this.
  7. Clontsy

    Clontsy New Member

    Oddly enough, I own the same type of FT. Mine is a strange bird; it has the Brit Pat # in the blade tray, but does not have "Made in England" stamped on the underside.
    brit likes this.
  8. Cearball

    Cearball Member

    Doesn't that mean it was German made?
    Rev579 and brit like this.
  9. Rev579

    Rev579 Well-Known Member

    This is my guess as well.
    brit likes this.
  10. Cearball

    Cearball Member

    brit likes this.
  11. Cearball

    Cearball Member

    brit likes this.
  12. brit

    brit in a box

    my canadian gold wash rocket.brit razor, canadian case..nickel rocket beside it .gold wash is hard to see in my light .. 20191222_120555.jpg 1953 (Y3 on blade) Gold Rocket Canadian Set.jpg
    Admiral Beez, Ron R, preidy and 3 others like this.
  13. Jim99

    Jim99 Gold Water Shaver

    Douglas Carey and brit like this.
  14. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    brit likes this.
  15. brit

    brit in a box

    thank you Doug,good morning..
    Douglas Carey likes this.
  16. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Good morning Gary. Have a great day!
    brit likes this.
  17. brit

    brit in a box

    rockets galore.. 20200201_054332_edited.jpg
    LaneP, Aztecmike and Douglas Carey like this.
  18. Aztecmike

    Aztecmike George

    Beautiful collection Gary!
    Love that gold Flare Tip! :happy088:
    brit likes this.
  19. brit

    brit in a box

    thank you Mike..:)
  20. fmueller

    fmueller New Member

    Wonderful write-up! I am not going through 21 pages of comments, but if nobody has mentioned it yet, there appears to be a typo in the serial number of:

    "#6: Aristocrat Jr./#48; this uncommon razor could predate both the Rocket and Aristocrat Jr.. It has a knob that doesn’t recede into the handle but functions like an American Super Speed. It also has the 1/8” thick heavy flat brass plate that the blade rests on like the Aristocrat Jr.. More features of these razors are the lack of end caps and un-notched post reminiscent of a 1947 Super Speed, this is the only un-notched Rocket type that I know of. These share the same head design as the English Aristocrat #21. A Strange hybrid that came in either a white or blue Bakelite case. I think the blue cases were for sale in England and the white ones indicate it was for the Australian market. These have BRIT PAT NO 403030 stamped under head and weigh 62 grams."

    I believe that should be BRIT PAT NO 430030 (not 403030).
    brit likes this.

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