September 2021 30 Day Rule/Focus & Discussion. All are welcome!

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Primotenore, Aug 31, 2021.


Will SEptember be your month to feature your SE razors?

  1. Absolutely! Best shaves ever.

    3 vote(s)
  2. I might break out an SE or two.

    5 vote(s)
  3. SEptember to me means SElect and uSE SEveral SEt-ups

    2 vote(s)
  4. 100% of my shaves are accomplished by a single edge (one edge at a time)

    4 vote(s)
  5. I will only eat SEmprong, SEsame and SEven Layer cookies this month

    1 vote(s)
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  1. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    Thank you Jeff.:cool:
    Hembree, JACarbone, Trigger and 2 others like this.
  2. jgreenepa

    jgreenepa Nasal Barbarian

    Honestly, I’m too early in the game to have real preferences. I’ve had more great shaves with the latter, but I’m trying to maintain a truly Catholic outlook with respect to straights! ;)
  3. jgreenepa

    jgreenepa Nasal Barbarian

    Great shave, Joe, and congratulations on the relatively pain-free recovery!
  4. jgreenepa

    jgreenepa Nasal Barbarian

    Read the post, buddy! It made an appearance! :D
  5. 9nein9

    9nein9 Guest

    Maybe Dave Thomas from Wendy's ran the Shick plant in Canada????
    jtspartan, Hembree, JACarbone and 3 others like this.
  6. 9nein9

    9nein9 Guest

    I couldn't agree more Andrew!
    Hembree, JACarbone, jgreenepa and 2 others like this.
  7. 9nein9

    9nein9 Guest

    It was one of my first injectors and a good lesson was learned Andrew!
  8. 9nein9

    9nein9 Guest

    Great news Joe!!!
  9. Glondus

    Glondus Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 28, 2021
    jtspartan, Hembree, JACarbone and 4 others like this.
  10. Droo78

    Droo78 Well-Known Member

    Hey Joe. It’s all good. Hoping you and yours are well.
  11. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Great shave and awesome news, Joe!
  12. Hembree

    Hembree Not as pretty smelling

    Just arrived!
    The Heritage is like opening a jar of Fall and the Fortitude sample smells amazing as well.

    Heritage - pumpkin, peach and caramel apple

    Fortitude - hay, tobacco and rum

    I can see a large tub of Fortitude in my future.

    Take care everyone!
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2021
    Droo78, jtspartan, JACarbone and 5 others like this.
  13. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Sept 28 SOTD

    Good afternoon!

    Straight Shave #306
    13/8 ArtRazor 1000 (9)
    Semogue 0C Super Badger Brush
    Music City Suds Lavender SS and AS
    Maggard's Alum Block
    Dickinson's WH
    Beard Growth: 31 hrs


    Well I said I was going to bring out Artie by the end of the month. He gave me a BBS shave in 2.5 passes without any cuts or irritation. I just love this lavender scent. This soap has always performed well for me.
    Did the alum treatment and very little tinging and zinging. Applied the witch hazel and the awesome matching aftershave. It truly was a a nice afternoon shave.
  14. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    An SE razor uses a single edge blade such as an Artist Club razor or a Schick Injector.
    A straight razor is sometimes known as a straight edge (SE) razor. Your razor looks like a regular straight razor and you have to strop it before you shave with it. You know that your razor is screaming to be used.
    Glondus, jgreenepa, Hembree and 2 others like this.
  15. myles wilson

    myles wilson Moth Ball Mouth

    Shaved last night with the Gillette blue tip and nacet blade followed up with my bigelow eucalyptus and menthol shave soap. Got a few cuts. As expected, I haven’t touched a safety razor in 3 months . Might shave this week not sure yet. I hike out tonight where I will spend 2 weeks in the field.
    jtspartan, jgreenepa, Droo78 and 5 others like this.
  16. myles wilson

    myles wilson Moth Ball Mouth

    Well done Joe glad to see you enjoyed the shave!
    jgreenepa, 9nein9, Hembree and 2 others like this.
  17. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    You are a little out of practice because you have been given Marine shaving supplies. How long will you be in this phase of training before you go to your MOS school?
    jgreenepa, 9nein9, Hembree and 2 others like this.
  18. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Thanks Myles! Stay strong!
  19. myles wilson

    myles wilson Moth Ball Mouth

    3 weeks here total 2 weeks of training. All in the field stuff. Shooting with the m240 and shooting with night vision.
    jgreenepa, 9nein9, Hembree and 2 others like this.
  20. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    Great news on your recovery, Joe!
    jgreenepa, 9nein9, Hembree and 2 others like this.
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