Valet Autostrop no.55

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by dangermouse, Nov 16, 2022.

  1. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    Good day, gentlemen. Can anyone show me what a Valet Auto-Strop set number 55, Made in England looks like, please? I have a mint condition box and would like to put the correct set into it. I have searched for advertising, and have a few with numbers that I will put into a post later, but I'd love to know what I need to find. Also, as an aside, are the later Valet Auto-Strops a milder shave and does anyone know what is the latest set they made? Thank you.
    jimjo1031 likes this.
  2. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    can you show a pic of it
  3. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    The Valet 99 Sets.
    This advert appears to be for an early 99 set or perhaps an inexpensive set compared to other 99 sets.
    Here's a picture of the actual razor:
    One assumes, that the box is correct unless shown otherwise.
    This is an advert for another 99 set - this is where I realised there were also Valet shaving brushes:

    And the razor set:
    99 valet.jpg
    brit and Jorvaljr like this.
  4. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    The Standard or No.1 set. I also believe there is another number associated with this set.
    valet newspaper.jpg
  5. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    I think I found it. Appears to be a VC3 from England...........
    s-l1600 (6).jpg
    s-l1600 (5).jpg
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2022
    Ron R and dangermouse like this.
  6. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jim, how did you find it? I'm wondering what the difference is between the 50, picture in a while and the 55. One assumes they are close. although that might not be the case.
    jimjo1031 likes this.
  7. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    This is my Valet No.55 box - no razor. 20221116_175624.jpg
  8. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    I just searched Ebay for Auto-Strop razors England. It came up 1st on the list, got lucky. Still on Ebay if someone wants to complete it with the box. There is another style of Bakelite case. This one from Canada...........
    s-l1600 (2).jpg
  9. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    The Valet No. 50 set is a nickel plated case, velvet lined set with a heavily silvered razor. So it says. I have seen a set just like this with a Rhodium plated razor. Perhaps that is the No.55?
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2022
  10. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    I found the razor on eBay that you saw. How do you know that is the number 55 set, please? It doesn't say anywhere that I can see.
  11. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    Just by the pics. My guess is as in Gillette sets, they were named for it's case, not razor. The other one could be this one. Just the metal strop holder is placed backwards, seller probably doesn't know which way it should go in, as they come off...........
    s-l1600 (7).jpg s-l1600 (8).jpg
    brit likes this.
  12. brit

    brit in a box

    i have that set.brit vc3 OC
    Ron R, dangermouse and jimjo1031 like this.
  13. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    I should've realized you'd have a Brit Auto-Strop
    Ron R and brit like this.
  14. brit

    brit in a box

    the case on mine is 3 1/2 inches long.the razor is a short handle version compared to other valets.
    jimjo1031 likes this.
  15. brit

    brit in a box

    they were very common before the war from what i have read.brit ones even after the gillette takeover didn't have gillette/autostrop stamped on them .
    jimjo1031 likes this.
  16. brit

    brit in a box

    :D..i have 2,,the other one silver plated and fancier handle,but no case.nice shavers.:eatdrink047:
    jimjo1031 likes this.
  17. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    I just purchased this one, on The Bay for £10! It appears to have a leather type case and a Rhodium razor. If it fits in my box, it's a number 55

    myval.jpg myval2.jpg
    brit, Ron R and jimjo1031 like this.
  18. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    Brits liked plated Rhodium razors.
    brit likes this.
  19. brit

    brit in a box

    very looks like the brit version of the vb-2 upload_2022-11-18_11-43-56.jpeg
    dangermouse likes this.
  20. brit

    brit in a box

    i guess my fancier caseless one could be rhodium never tarnishes..
    dangermouse and jimjo1031 like this.

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