Titanic and 3017...?

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by Primotenore, Apr 27, 2018.


Why do you "3017" a product?

  1. For the Challenge

  2. Because I was Challenged

  3. Because I am Challenged

  4. None of the above

  5. All of the above

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    My goodness…a day late with well wishes, my friend. Trusting you are feeling better now.
    Frijolero, clint64 and Primotenore like this.
  2. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Day 19 & 20
    Yesterday & Today

    Two more great shaves with the Karve, Polsilver and Fine.
    I have finished the Colonia splash. Not a focus, nor a 3017, but I chipped away at it during and after it’s companion soap bit the dust.
    725BC5D4-03B8-4F96-8F35-2E4909ED4D54.jpeg D0E94986-F75D-4F60-B51B-5284DD834B0C.jpeg
  3. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Thank you Jason. I am feeling better today.
  4. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    February 2, 2024
    Feather AS D2
    PAA ShaveRite 210
    LEA Classic Shave Soap and Aftershave


    Happy Friday at last. Whew I have had a week and then some. I am running a little behind this morning but I am going into the office. I need to show my face and fly the flag at both my office and my largest client's office. Another wonderful shave to start the day. I will say that this soap is sinking slower than I expected. Take care and have a great day. ​
  5. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    That must be frustrating, I hope they find out what’s going on and find a cure for you. Feel better my friend.
  6. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Thank you Keith. It has been frustrating. However, I have a feeling that the medical team is on the right track to find the answers.
  7. Frijolero

    Frijolero Well-Known Member

    They've come a long way with tickers. They'll figure it out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.
    Keithmax, Primotenore and clint64 like this.
  8. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Thank you.
    Frijolero and Primotenore like this.
  9. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Friday, February 2
    Ethos Bay Rum [​IMG]~~Simpson CH2~~Wolfman WR2/Light Brigade [​IMG]~~West Indies Bay Rum


  10. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    Congrats Joseph! Another one bites the dust.
    Primotenore, clint64 and Frijolero like this.
  11. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    Clint, I hope you feel better and find some answers soon. Take care of yourself, my friend.
    Primotenore, clint64 and Frijolero like this.
  12. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

  13. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Congrats Joseph.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Primotenore and Frijolero like this.
  14. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Thank you Charlie.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    Congratulations, AS and soap finished on the same shave.
    clint64, Primotenore and Frijolero like this.
  16. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    Speaking of Tabac obsessions..... I am pronouncing this Tabac 3017 concluded. There is not enough left for a full shave. Great stuff, I always enjoyed Tabac but after using this puck until it is finished I can say it is one of my favorites.
    Sh - 1.jpeg

    I bought out some big guns for the final shave, a 8/8 extra long full hollow stainless steel Friodur fresh of thes stones, a big Varlet brush and vintage Derby aftershave.
    Sh - 2.jpeg

    I will spend a week with some variety and then set the next target.
  17. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Well done on the Tabac. That is a particularly challenging 3017. The Varlet is stunning. I have a Friodur as well, but not quite as large. Darn near cut off my left knuckle with it a few years ago!

    Keithmax, Frijolero and clint64 like this.
  18. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Congrats Keith.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Keithmax, Primotenore and Frijolero like this.
  19. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Wow. That’s just one more example of why I do not need to have a SR.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Keithmax, Primotenore and Frijolero like this.
  20. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    February 3, 2024
    Timeless Aluminum
    Gillette Nacet
    Rudy Vey Rover with Shavemac D01 3 Band
    LEA Classic Shave Soap and Aftershave


    Happy Saturday. Another excellent shave to start the day. Based on current usage rates I anticipate this soap being completed around mid March or a bit sooner. Swati and I are off to Athens to visit Maya and take her to lunch. It is nice having her so close by. Have a great day and take care. ​

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