March 13th ‘34 Aristocrat w Nacet SynBad / Poculi Fine Platinum Classic SS Historic Embargo A nice shave today. This razor may be, imho, one of the most stunning shavers ever built; however, there are Gillettes made in the same decade that are better shavers.
Marching along! 74/366 Thursday March 14, 2024 Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts Lather: Tabac Razor: Henson Mild Blade: GSB (1) Post: Tabac
March 14, 2024 Hone 15S Feather Rudy Vey Rover with Muhle XL STF Antiga Barbearia de Bairro Shave Soap Antiga Barbearia de Bairro Principe Real Aftershave Happy Thursday Everyone. I decided to go with the Hone 15S this morning. I have not used this razor since last November and had forgotten how nice it shaves. The razor had more blade feel than I remembered which was nice. Overall a fantastic drama free shave to start the day. I really can't expect more. Have a great day and take care.
Glad to hear from you Jason. I get it; I’ve been in a season like that too lately. And Charlie’s jokes are bad whether you are here or not. This once and for all answers the philosophical question “If Charlie tells a bad joke in a forest and you are not there to hear it, is it still bad?” Yes.
Friday March 15, 2024 Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts Lather: Tabac Razor: Henson Mild Blade: GSB (1) Post: Tabac
The original TTO ‘Crat was always a razor that I drooled over. They are an art deco classic and a stunning example of the workmanship that used to go into these shavers. That being said, you’d both be disappointed in the shave results, imho. A NEW (LC, SC, Goodwill, deluxe, take your pick) or even the humble prewar Canadian Tech is a better weapon from Gillette in the same decade.
March 14th Gillette New Improved ‘Bostonian’ APShave Silvertip Fan / MrEE LE #007 Fine Platinum Classic SS & AS Thayers The soap is going down at a faster rate, it appears, as the end nears. It really has been 2+ months of fantastic lathers.
I was thinking about a Gifts and Care order. I see they have ABB products en masse. Anything in particular you’d recommend?
I have only tried the shave soap and the two aftershaves that I have. I would certainly recommend the shave soap. The Principe Real Aftershave has citrus top notes but dries down to a very warm scent. The Chiado has green sandalwood type scent that I find very classy. Here in the US the shave creams seem to be high priced so I might try to buy some while we are in Portugal this summer. Everything I have tried thus far is something I would repurchase. I am not sure I was much help.
if you want a 'crat that actually shaves differently i would try a 2nd and 3rd gen brit version.very efficient (aka brit red tip efficient) and smooth with lots of weight.the brit OC version is quite mild as well.the blade feel on the 2nd gen is very similar to the bostonian/NI razor.
Thanks for this. I can’t bring the splashes in from Spain, but the shave soap is reasonably priced from Gifts and Care-
no problem.i bought 1 each of the 4 generations for their different shave characteristics.the 4th gen(mid 1950s) is the mildest. brit 2nd gen.
It's the OC TTO that I find most attractive. If it shaves like the senator, than I would be more than satisfied.