Maximus DE Blade Torture Challenge

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by DaltonGang, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    I don't know about you, but it takes less than 5 minutes to shave. So, plenty of time to do other things in life.

    MacDaDad and brit like this.
  2. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Take it to 10-20, then report back whenever you want. Maybe every 10 after that, or until you are finished. No set rules. Just pay attention to prep, and don't wipe the blade.
    Keep personal track on paper of each shave. It can be easy to lose track.
    MacDaDad and brit like this.
  3. brit

    brit in a box

    you can enter at any time with any blade,but that kcg will get you 5 at most..unfortunately..:).why not try a spoiler blade,vintage wilkie,or schick? so far the only long lasting blades that are modern ,ie made this century that seem to last like the old ones did are the sunekos and some recent others..;)
    MacDaDad and DaltonGang like this.
  4. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    How is your blade challenge coming along?
    MacDaDad and brit like this.
  5. brit

    brit in a box

    i still have the same suneko in my rocket HD,that i use quite often,suneko still in my slim,that i haven't used in a while.and a recent challenge started with a super silver.i lost track on the HD but i am sure it's more than 10..:).i think i have a tech somewhere as well,:D.definitely got sidetracked..
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
    MacDaDad likes this.
  6. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    I’m definitely guilty of hoarding razor blades and soaps I like. I have unabashed BAD and am recovering from a lifelong GAS affliction. However I don’t count the number of shaves I get per blade because they get tossed quickly (see my sig line…). Too much Wine, Bourbon, Scotch and Beer hurt my ulcer. But I make exceptions for an occasional RRV Pinot Noir, Samuel Adams Oktoberfest and Guinness. Tea isn’t my bag but I do enjoy a delicious hot cup of coffee every morning.;)
  7. MacDaDad

    MacDaDad Well-Known Member

    I have yet figured out how to purchase the Sunekos blades, my guy in Sweden doesn't carry them. And oh, did I tell you I bought 20 Gillette Platinums from the 70's. They're good too and without pencil and paper proof I probably have 8 or 10 shaves on one of them. I have 6 or 8 razors in a drawer that I shave with when I feel like it. You know how it is. Yo? :)
    brit likes this.
  8. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    There are several sellers on Aliexpress.

    MacDaDad, elektrotasil and brit like this.
  9. brit

    brit in a box

    very cool.i think any 70's gillette blade is a good one at this point.:):eatdrink047:
    DaltonGang and MacDaDad like this.
  10. brit

    brit in a box

    rocket hd/suneko 10+


    good morning gents
    another waves work shave.
    soap level progressing slowly but surely
    fine 2 passer with the HD/suneko set up.well past the 10th shave
    have a fine day everyone
    elektrotasil, chazt and DaltonGang like this.

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