Futur alternatives?

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by BigMike, May 20, 2024.

  1. feeltheburn

    feeltheburn Well-Known Member

    The Futur is pretty unique and my opinion is it's the large blade gap combined with very low blade exposure. I really like them too. Most razors have a lot more blade exposure so finding something like it won't be easy. I'm not sure why yours don't last very long. I've had mine over 10 years and it's still in great shape. I don't use it all the time but it does get regular use.
    chazt likes this.
  2. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    Merkur Progress has been my go to for over 16 months and still really enjoying it. Merkur makes great razors, but lousy blades. I've enjoyed Perma-sharps, Astras, GSB, Voskhod, and many others in it. I have a spare long handle Merkur Progress I'd be willing to part with, if you're interested PM me.

    chazt likes this.
  3. Str8on2

    Str8on2 Well-Known Member

    My favorite category in safety razors. Modern or vintage, I enjoy them all. This particular one is a vintage Progress that is in pretty good shape. Has some quirks with blade alignment and one has to fiddle with it slightly to get equal blade exposure on both sides but, once it’s dialed in, the shaves are truly amazing & gratifying. I have a few Merkur Progress razors and all shave tremendously well. Sans the quality stuff or q/c end of it, worth the hassle. To me at least.

    Good luck on your search.... :eatdrink047:

    elektrotasil, BigMike and Enrico like this.
  4. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Cool pic, Gus. We don’t see those in gold plate too often. Thanks for posting :)
    Str8on2 likes this.
  5. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    That's very kind of you. But I had a Progress razor in the past. I liked it, though not nearly as much as the Futur. And the Progress, too, has similar plating issues after a couple of years.
  6. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, I think you're probably right.
  7. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    Here are two examples of the issue. The first is in the Futur clone. The second is on the cap of the Progress. Here it may not look too bad, but the flaked plating is sharp enough to cut. It always seems to occur on the tightly radiused edges.
    20240526_142752.jpg 20240526_142726.jpg
    elektrotasil and brit like this.
  8. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    Wow, those do look very good, and fairly priced. I've already got a Pearl coming in the mail. If it doesn't work out I'll keep these in mind.
  9. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Do you aggressively clean them?
    Looking at those, I am glad I use vintage razors, for the most part. One of the pet peeves is modern Zamak razors, and Chrome plating.
    chazt, BigMike and brit like this.
  10. feeltheburn

    feeltheburn Well-Known Member

    The Heritage Gibbs is really good. It doesn't feel like a Futur but it's good. The Pearl Flexi and I didn't get along at all. It's really heavy and has a lot of blade exposure even at low settings.
    BigMike, chazt and DaltonGang like this.
  11. brit

    brit in a box

    myself included:)
    chazt and DaltonGang like this.
  12. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    No. But I tend to use just one razor for long periods of time. So, those razors saw a three pass shave, seven days a week, for a year or more. I change blades every Sunday, with a shot of Scrubbing Bubbles and a little agitation from an old tooth brush. I think it's just the result of poor base metal and thin plating.
    DaltonGang and chazt like this.
  13. BBS

    BBS Well-Known Member

    That Progress is a pre 2016. Can tell by the triangular alignment mark for the cap. Can tell 100% for sure by the stamp on the base plate. According to Dovo they say they changed the country stamp and most likely the molds from Germany to W Germany in 1985. In 1990 German unification happened and instead of doing new molds they modified the W so it looks like a circle. 2016 they changed that and it just says Germany again also some other modifications in font size and logo on the 2016 and up versions.

    No wonder you are having issues with it. If it is later in the run on those molds the razors were plagued with issues due to the molds wearing out and other build quality issues. The ones made after the change addressed some of those issues like the adjustment dials not being calibrated, they also become more "modern" in the razor head design being less aggressive and more forgiving in how they shave. They still perform well but it is nothing like older models which could be downright brutal if you opened them up to the higher settings without knowing what you are doing. I know from personal experience since I learned how to DE shave on a pre 2016 Progress.
    Enrico likes this.

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