PIF #4 - Regiment Soaps

Discussion in 'Freebies' started by COMPNOR, May 27, 2024.

  1. Lancre

    Lancre Well-Known Member

    Generosity PLUS!
    Congrats to all the winners.
    Sara-s likes this.
  2. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    I had a chance to try my soap, to shave my pits. All in all, quite nice. It seems to need a bit more water than some of my others, but that's not a big issue. Having given it enough water, it makes a thick & slick lather. No irritation after the shave. (Armpits are quite prone to that, so "no irritation" is very high praise.). Smell is delightful & refreshing.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
    COMPNOR likes this.
  3. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    It's a nice shave soap.
    Sara-s and COMPNOR like this.

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