30 Day Rule/Focus; July 2024. All Are Welcome!

Discussion in 'Shave School' started by Trigger, Jun 30, 2024.

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  1. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    July 25 SOTM

    Good morning.

    Straight Razor Shave #564
    Ralf Aust
    JTSpartan Synthetic Brush
    Captain's Choice 45th Parallel SS and AS
    Stirling Alum Block
    Personal Care Witch Hazel
    Beard Growth: 35. 5 hrs


    I am meeting Joe C for our monthly 30 DC meeting. Of course, I cannot look like a bum so a shave is in order. Three passes gave me a smooth and comfortable shave without any red leakage. I over hydrated the soap, but Captain's Choice still performed well. Here's my lather:


    I didn't have any alum feedback. Splashed on the witch hazel and the matching aftershave and I am ready for @ JACarbone Joe's inspection. Lol. Take care
  2. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Super shave Chris.
  3. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Nice haul Gary.
    JACarbone, palmolive fox and brit like this.
  4. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    You had a great shave.
    JACarbone, palmolive fox and brit like this.
  5. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    A great Throwback shave this morning. 0:40 at the Loading Dock for the Razorock soap. Fine "paint job" along the face and neck(Doc Rembrandt would be proud). Clean and clear everywhere, with a goose-egg result for cuts, Knicks, Polka-dots. You always feel confident when THAT happens. The bottom of the puck has no soap left, but the circumference of it has a lot. No difference there than with any soap puck, I suppose. 2 passes. Boy, I sure felt that "tingle" of the Mennen Skin-Bracer, explained well by Jack Palance in his classic Skin-Bracer commercial. Closed out with One-Man Show cologne. Nice liquid offering that, from Bogarts(France). As Outstanding As It Gets. (nice to be able to say that after a Throwback shave :).
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
    brit likes this.
  6. brit

    brit in a box

    fabulous thursday affairs gents.:cool::bounce017:
    JACarbone, Trigger and palmolive fox like this.
  7. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    Thank you Gary...and thank you also for putting up with my typos("pint job"???). Course the Lime Burst soap has an addition to its title, but I just call it Lime Burst, as I don't want to risk a horrible typo on the additional name :char039:
    brit likes this.
  8. brit

    brit in a box

    new sc
    mr.ee custom 10098
    wilkinson stick mix
    aqua velva iced sport eau de cologne


    good morning gents
    fine wilkinson mix lather built with the mr.eee custom 10098
    smooth 2 passer with the nickel new SC
    williams cologne to finish
    this 90's era colonge is ok,but it's glass bottles are the real prize-decanting 101
    have a fine day everyone
  9. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    That must have been way before I was born-AV Cologne.
    brit likes this.
  10. brit

    brit in a box

    it's from 1995 Paul.;)
    JACarbone and Paul Turner like this.
  11. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    Well, I SHOULD have known about it, then....glad with my current colognes.
    brit likes this.
  12. brit

    brit in a box

    what happened to the " i was 28 " comment..i was 30 in '98 and you have 10 years on me..:D
    JACarbone and Paul Turner like this.
  13. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    Oh, shux....you read that before I deleted it. My math was off. It didn't seem right to say "I was a little kid of 38" :cool:
    brit likes this.
  14. brit

    brit in a box

    fair enough..;):eatdrink047:
    Paul Turner likes this.
  15. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    Thank you, Joe.
    JACarbone, Trigger and brit like this.
  16. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    Thank you, Gary.
    JACarbone, Trigger and brit like this.
  17. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Thanks Gary
    JACarbone and brit like this.
  18. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Mr. Gillette and Aqua Velva Man had a fine shave.
    JACarbone, palmolive fox and brit like this.
  19. brit

    brit in a box

    thank you Joe.:):eatdrink047:
    JACarbone and Trigger like this.
  20. ChrisB

    ChrisB Well-Known Member

    thanks Gary

    super thanks Joe

    Nice cooll looking shave
    JACarbone, palmolive fox and brit like this.
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