
Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by brit, May 23, 2021.

  1. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Is Ariana&Evans going to be my new Bill Nwumnn? We shall see.(I'm not saying I'm DONE with Bill Neumann, as I still have some to work with).
    GAW9576 and brit like this.
  2. brit

    brit in a box

    my neumann's soap will last a long time,but i have no intention of replacing it.:)i like the ariana and evans soaps far more,but they doesn't last as long.
    stuartganis, GAW9576 and blondblue like this.
  3. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    That's due to the fact that A&E is a shaving cream soap, right?
    stuartganis, GAW9576 and brit like this.
  4. brit

    brit in a box

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  5. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    thank you Gary. not exactly the correct case, no chrome top on cover. but it'll work till I find one, maybe. also need the blade banks
    GAW9576 and brit like this.
  6. brit

    brit in a box

    i have a case with the chrome top,very rare but findable..i don't fully trust the late '50s sets on mr razor,there are some key details/sets missing ,or so it seems..never seen the rocket in said case advertised...so far..
    GAW9576 and jimjo1031 like this.
  7. brit

    brit in a box

    tech hybrid
    maca root

    GAW9576, stuartganis and MacDaDad like this.
  8. brit

    brit in a box

    hybrid tech
    rr 400
    crown shave co

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  9. brit

    brit in a box

    no.47 poplular

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  10. brit

    brit in a box

    new sc
    sv felce
    fern concerto

    20250109_100236 (1)_edited.jpg
    GAW9576, stuartganis and MacDaDad like this.
  11. stuartganis

    stuartganis Well-Known Member

    Gillette Fatboy / Ladas blade [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-T387V using Tapatalk
    GAW9576, brit and MacDaDad like this.
  12. stuartganis

    stuartganis Well-Known Member

    Gillette Red Tip / Ladas blade [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-T387V using Tapatalk
    GAW9576, MacDaDad and brit like this.
  13. brit

    brit in a box

    1949 canadian tech
    semogue 830
    lime sec

    stuartganis, GAW9576 and MacDaDad like this.
  14. MacDaDad

    MacDaDad Well-Known Member

  15. brit

    brit in a box


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  16. brit

    brit in a box

    tech hybrid
    mr.ee omega 10098

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  17. MacDaDad

    MacDaDad Well-Known Member

    It's always a pleasure to see that razor. ;):eatdrink047:
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  18. brit

    brit in a box

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  19. GAW9576

    GAW9576 Well-Known Member

    Hybrid Tech, WOW. That's a rare one.
    MacDaDad and brit like this.
  20. GAW9576

    GAW9576 Well-Known Member

    1953 Y4 Gillette Super Speed. This is my Dad's birth year and quarter razor. I plan on letting him try it out. If he likes it, I will give it to him.
    Abbate Y La Mantia Ishtar is one of my favorite soaps. I hope to pick up a few other scents from them. It's wonderful stuff.

    blondblue, stuartganis and brit like this.

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