Purpleheart scales

Discussion in 'Razor Restoration' started by Ryan, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    Here are some purpleheart scales I just finished. This was my first experience with purpleheart. I went through a few coping saw blades. The blank started out approximately 2.5"x7"x1/4". Once I had a rough shape I sawed the blank down the middle. The result was series of peaks and valleys as the saw blade wandered. I decided to let those imperfections show and give the scales a rough look. I don't think I'd do it that way again, but it's something different.

    Attached Files:

  2. C utz

    C utz New Member

    Hey Ryan,

    Did you heat the wood at all, or treat it afterwards with a coating or wax?

    The color looks great!

    Good to see restorations!

    C utz
  3. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    I just gave it a good rub with some Kiwi neutral.

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