Most agreed upon shave cream?

Discussion in 'Shave Creams' started by ChemErik, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. ChemErik

    ChemErik Mr. Personality

    A few creams provok strong disagreement among members here such as Proraso and Kiss My Face. I've started wondering, what cream has the fewest nay-sayers? A cream that, while maybe not loved highly by all, is rarely if ever disliked. A cream we can recommend to new wet shavers without fear of it being "not for them". Some initial candidates from my perspective:
    -TSD Shave Cream
    -Connaught Shave Cream
    -Castle Forbes
    -DR Harris
    What am I missing? Do you detest any of these?
  2. superbleu

    superbleu Active Member

    JM Frasers Original

    the Polar ice, oriental spice, oakmoss don't seem to have as strong of a following.

    Salters is another good candidate.
  3. omegapd

    omegapd New Member

    TOBS definitely.
  4. boyextraordinare

    boyextraordinare New Member

    I think one would be lying if one said one loathed the creams you've cited based on quality alone.

    That said, I won't buy Harris (SC esp.) on account of its price. For me, it's a waste.

    But I disagree with something you're saying: I think, at the end of the day, Proraso is the most universally accepted cream. That may not be the case on this forum in particular, but in wetshaving in general.

    Proraso Green is a staple in wetshaving. Classic, exotic, refreshing, high-quality and well-priced.

    It's invariably mentioned as a must-have.
  5. dpm802

    dpm802 New Member

    KissMyFace is one of those that should be in everybody's shave-den, especially a newbie.

    Its inexpensive, easy to find in B&M stores, works extremely well, is available in a lot of different scents (including fragrance free.) A solid performer in every category.

    While it doesn't have the exotic allure of the imported creams, its just too darn good to pass up. I can't remember anyone that's ever given it a negative review.
  6. dpm802

    dpm802 New Member

    I started with it, and I loved it for the first 3 months, because it was all I had. It was the first thing I found that wasn't goop in a can. Once I started gathering other brands into my rotation, Proraso quickly fell by the wayside. IIRC, the cream that knocked Proraso out of my #1 spot was Cremo. Then, Cremo was replaced by Tabac+Tabac SuperLather.

    Even though I haven't used Proraso in about a year, I could never imagine NOT having a tube on hand. If nothing else, I keep it around to PIF out to a couple of newbies that I've gotten started.
  7. fozz77

    fozz77 New Member

    +1 for Proraso. I would also add Musgo Real. Not only is it a top SC its readily available online.

    What about TSD line of creams??
  8. hunnymonster

    hunnymonster Member

    Euro Palmolive?
  9. ChemErik

    ChemErik Mr. Personality

    I think enough people don't like menthol to prevent Proraso from being most agreed upon, though clearly that's not a universal thought.

    Fraiser's sound like a good one for the list.

    I've read several negative takes on KMF. All from long time wet shavers who were turned off by how different it was from traditional creams. Perhaps I'd say it's a good recommendation for most, but not most agreed upon.
  10. Luxlover

    Luxlover Member

    +1 for Proraso. I would also add Musgo Real.
  11. s&g'sdad

    s&g'sdad Member

    Gotta love the Proraso. KMF is also better than average. Both are easy to get in stores. I've tried T&H West Indian Limes and Sandalwood and TGQ's Blood Orange and Bay Rum, and Desert Ironwood SC's. The scents were very nice, but the performance, IMO, was subpar.

  12. Moe

    Moe Active Member

    Godrej. Seems almost impossible to not make good lather with it (at least for me). Either a little thick, or a little thin, this stuff seems to work well.

    Cheap enough as well.
  13. Infotech

    Infotech Active Member

    I'd say Taylor of Old Bond Street. Its what wet shaving is all about - comes in a cool tub, a high end product that has a long history, and is cheaper than the other high end creams it competes with.

    I think JM Fraser is also a good choice. They have the classic barber shop scents down and also come in a tub.

    I think tubs of cream are better than tubes, but that's just my opinion.
  14. Teiste

    Teiste New Member

    Any of the Portuguese creams,with Musgo on the top.
  15. CutMan

    CutMan Member

    This is a great thread! Two that i recommend without hesitation are:

    - Fraser's (original)

    - TOBS Avocado
  16. Moe

    Moe Active Member

    I see many have said Frasers. I had a sample once and thought it was horrible. Perhaps I need to try it again.
  17. MsBlackwolf

    MsBlackwolf Queen of Critters

    TOBS- Avocado in particular for a new wetshaver, but any of the scents are recommendable.
    KMF - While perhaps not entirely agreed on, it is inexpensive, widely available, and works.
    TSD- There's something for everyone there. I am especially impressed with the Wheat Cream formula. Very protective and moisturizing.
  18. selhov

    selhov New Member

    i must agrea hear taylor of old bond street,great quality long lasting and a great lather from itand again good value for money every one if hade the sent is spot on,super quality cream:D
  19. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
  20. NoobShaver

    NoobShaver BGDAAA

    +1. and what about the ARKO line of creams? I know they're nothing spectacular, but I've never heard anyone complain of getting bad lather from their products.

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