GEM micromcromatic

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by single, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. single

    single New Member


    I am interested in trying to purchase one of these as they are supposed to be good for people prone to razor bumps. What is the opinion on them any any tips for:

    1. Where to get good purpose built blades?
    2. Best technique for shaving with them?

    Any thoughts appreciated.
  2. Teiste

    Teiste New Member

  3. Dridecker

    Dridecker Sherlock

    First off Single, Welcome to The Shave Den! A great community of guys and gals that enjoy wet shaving, I hope you enjoy your stay!

    Be sure to sign up for the August Newbie Give-Away for a chance to win some great shave gear!!

    While its not required, how about you hop over to the Newbies Section and give yourself a proper introduction thread, I'm sure you'll receive many warm welcomes from the friendly folks of this community.

    Now about that MM razor, they do give great shaves, but can be a little tricky for a newbie to master. As a matter of fact, some members feel that they are flat out too aggressive for them and refuse to use them.

    Usually many people find out that just switching over to a D/E or S/E razor in general can go a long way towards ending razor bumps for them.
  4. omegapd

    omegapd New Member

    I am one of the outspoken critics of the MM. I have one and don't like it at all. It's not overly agggressive, I just don't like the way it shaves. I keep it around because I like the looks of it and that's about it.

    There's two of them for sale in the classifieds section right now for good prices.
  5. Zach

    Zach New Member

    The micromatic takes time to master but you can master it, and it can give fantastic shaves. It takes concentration to keep the head flat against the face especially when going around the chin and jawline, you need to be very focused. Eventually, it's second nature, but when you switch to other razors you have to re-learn them; this is a fidelity razor.
    I don't suffer razor bumps but I have heard that the thicker blade of the SE and straight is good for people who do; no personal experience.
    The 1912 version of the Gem and the straight safety bar version called the G-Bar is an easier razor to use for most.
    But if bumps are your concern, again, research that.
    Use a single edge razor, light pressure, and don't go against the grain till your bumps are clear, and perhaps never go against the grain if you are prone to bumps.
  6. 1OldGI

    1OldGI New Member

    Micromatics are indeed quirky beasts. They're super aggressive, there's the blade angle issue and for some even the heft of the razor is an issue. In my experience, there is a learning curve with the Micromatic and the second you fail to afford this razor the proper respect it will chew your face up. Once you understand all that it's a fantastic shaver you'll go back to again and again, this was in fact my starter razor and I still shave with it at least once or twice a week.
  7. spinyeel

    spinyeel Member

    I had a superb shave yesterday with my Clog Pruf.:D There's nothing to shave off today though.:rolleyes:The best bang for your buck razors on the planet IMHO.
  8. ThePossum

    ThePossum Member

    I'm another critic of the Micromatic aka "Junkomatic". If you want to get a SE razor spend your money on a 1912 style GEM or Ever Ready. Better yet find a nice GEM lather catcher style. The 1912 and lather catcher razors are great shavers. Don't waste your money on the Junkomatic.

    As for blades the advice to get the Ted Pella blades is spot on. You can also get the same blade if you find GEM by Personna blades in your local pharmacy. But if you like the blades you are far better off buying in bulk from Pella.
  9. goshawk

    goshawk Well-Known Member


    I have found that with care the Micro can provide a nice shave. I concur about the Pella blades, they do the nicest job for me, too.

    As it happens I have a spare Micromatic kicking around that you can have for free - nothing special, a bit worn, but it works just fine.

    PM if you're interested

  10. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Put me down as one who likes the MM. I gotten nothing but great shaves since the first time I used it. Zach hit on the reason - keep the head flat against the face. Pay attention to what you're doin' and you'll be fine.

    I can vouch for ThePossom when he recommends the Gem blades from Personna. I picked 'em up at one of the local drug stores, I think. Can't remember which one exactly, but I will say they are better than the Treets I tried.
  11. NoobShaver

    NoobShaver BGDAAA

    that's the blade I use in my mm. CVS and Walgreens carry them.
  12. tom myers

    tom myers Member

    The Micromatic

    There were several styles of micromatics. This may account for why some folks swear by them and others swear at them. They are not all the same razor.

    Generally speaking, having tried several different models of Micromatics, I really agree with The Possom that none of them give as good a shave as a 1912 or, my preference, the various 1900/1901 patent dated lather catcher models.

    As far as the blades, I concur that the coated stainless Gems sold by Ted Pella or the "Gem by Pesonna's" found in some drug stores are the best that I've tried. I do believe these are both the same blade. I use one of these in a Gem Jr. lather catcher razor almost every morning.

  13. spinyeel

    spinyeel Member

    I disagree! All the Micromatics are at least the equal of a 1912,if not better.They take a bit more time to get the hang of but when you do,they will outshave any safety razor available.;)It's only quitters that give this timeless classic a bad name.:angry019
  14. NoobShaver

    NoobShaver BGDAAA

    I suspect most of the folks who have had trouble with a micromatic tried the open comb variety. I own one and almost gave it up after the first shave. I take it out on the rare occasion when I actually have time to shave.
  15. ChemErik

    ChemErik Mr. Personality

    I have a Clog Pruf. It's a decent razor and by far the most agressive razor I own. The only razor I can't use against the grain (ATG), including turning my Fatboy up to 9. For it's credit, it gives a better shave without going ATG than any of my other razors would. I can't say this would be the best beginner razors, but I certainly wouldn't call it junk.

    My suggestion would be to consider picking up a vinatge Superspeed or Tech, which are good mild double edge razors. You'll typically find at least one available in the classifieds here. Not that the MicroMatic would be bad, anything with a single blade when used with a good lather made from a soap or lather cream will give a good shave and reduce or eliminate razor bumps.
  16. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    My first MM shave was with an open comb. It went just fine. I'll chalk it up to a year and a half of perfecting my technique with a DE.
  17. NoobShaver

    NoobShaver BGDAAA

    congrats! didn't work that way for me. I think I'm somewhere around the three year mark for DE shaving. Tried the open comb micromatic six months back and shredded my face. Didn't help that I was trying to shave quickly before work.

    I gave it a second chance when I had more time (and the kids were being quiet) and the shave went wonderfully.

    I agree that the open comb micromatics are good razors- but they aren't easy to use and I don't think an o.c. mm would be a good first razor.
  18. pablo_h

    pablo_h New Member

    I like the clog pruf better than the open comb. I'd recommend the clog pruf to anyone looking for their first MM.
    I'd say other GEMs are better for people who use short light quick strokes and do j-hooking and blade buffing for touchups. But the MM is good for people who use very slow passes and don't bother with atg, buffing or hooking etc.
  19. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    I have a clog pruf, as well. I would agree that it may be better than an open comb only because, for me, it didn't seem as aggressive.

    I always bother with ATG, buffing, and j-hooking (read "shave-geek") with all my razors. Never a problem.
  20. wchnu

    wchnu Duck Season!

    Nothing beats a 1912 or lather catcher in my opinion.., the MM can give a great shave,,. I have several both OC and non.... but not the best thing for a newbie...

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