Mark Twain's shave

Discussion in 'General Shaving Talk' started by Wyowanderer, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. Wyowanderer

    Wyowanderer New Member

  2. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

  3. Dridecker

    Dridecker Sherlock

    Sounds like what would happen if I tried a straight....
  4. Hanzo

    Hanzo Well-Known Member

    Great passage, very funny stuff. I once read a book of passages from the whole of Twain's works and it was amazing what scepticism, insight and depth he truly had.
  5. thomthom49

    thomthom49 New Member

    To be sure, he was the Anglo American counterpart to his chronological Anglo Irish contemporary Oscar Wilde. Without question the two of them were the greatest English speaking wits of the 19th century, each with a particularly cultural view determined by the side of the Atlantic they were nurtured on. Both of them are my favorite dead authors. Favorite living author has to be Bill Bryson, from Des Moines, who because he lived for over 30 years in England suffers from multi-culturarity (my own word). If you appreciate good dry humor and you have not read his stuff you should start with "Mother Tongue". :D
  6. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!


    Rake and scrape......"At that point in time" :)happy102) woulda been a good time to have Glen.:happy097
  7. Jason1977

    Jason1977 Active Member

    That's definitely one I've never read. I'll have to check that out.

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