Where to buy Essential Oils?

Discussion in 'Soapmaking & Lotions' started by snatiep, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. snatiep

    snatiep New Member

    Hello Everyone!

    My first post here!

    I want to try making my own Pre shave oil.

    Where is a good place to buy Essential Oils....either a store locally by me in St. Paul, MN or online?

    Thank you very much for your help and comments!

  2. Will

    Will Nevermind

    Best bet would probably be online.
  3. Etoyoc

    Etoyoc Backwards

    Some health food stores carry them. They often have the NOW brand.
  4. bc9

    bc9 Member

    Health/Natural food stores or Holistic/new age shops are the best bets for brick & mortar stores here in Florida...
  5. ourlastdefeat

    ourlastdefeat Member

    I believe that some Walmarts have started carrying them as well, so check your local store if you have one.
  6. Williams Warrior

    Williams Warrior Well-Known Member

    :signs046to the Den!
  7. Regan

    Regan Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TSD. I know that a pharmacy by my house has some oils... not too sure if they are fragrance or if they are EO's.
  8. ltlsuz

    ltlsuz Member

    I usually order them online, that way I can research who has the best prices going per oz. E.O.'s are really nice, but some can be really expensive.
    mikec727 likes this.
  9. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    If you buy EO's in a store, odds are you will get tiny, expensive bottles. Online, you can buy in bulk. Some sites I use include Brambleberry, TheSage and WholesaleSuppliesPlus.
    GDCarrington likes this.
  10. Chris S

    Chris S Member

    i've got a freebie up in the marketplace for patchouli essential oil!
  11. soapbuddy

    soapbuddy Mistress of Lather

    Retail stores have tiny bottles with overinflated prices. Try BrambleBerry, Lebermuth or Camden Grey.
    GDCarrington likes this.
  12. deoxy4

    deoxy4 Member

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