What do ya look like

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by Will, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. Dslazar9

    Dslazar9 Took the Menthol-cratic Oath

    You look like a jazz musician.:D
  2. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Far Out Bro! Smiles Across The Miles!

    And A Mighty Fine Shave To Boot!
  3. JoeMal

    JoeMal Member

    Anyone ever tell you that you look like Anthony Bourdain from the Travel Channel? At least I think that's the channel he's on...anyway, you're famous!

  4. soapbuddy

    soapbuddy Mistress of Lather

    I see the resemblance.
  5. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Bump this thread for all the new members we have seen recently; let us see you!
  6. Hank

    Hank Active Member

    This is me from 2 or 3 months ago not my best shave though

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  7. fishcrow

    fishcrow Birdman of TSD


    Taken this spring.

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    RyX likes this.
  8. VANCE723

    VANCE723 Active Member

    after i shot 2 8pointers a year or so ago
  9. tristen

    tristen Member


    I think i've mentioned that i part time as a car mechanic? LOL :p
  10. hoglahoo

    hoglahoo Yesterday's News

    That is a good-looking bowl of lunch
  11. tristen

    tristen Member

    That was at some little Korean restaurant in Boston MA. The dish is called "JAMBONG"
  12. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Summer and winter

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  13. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Even though you have said that your avatar is just a random picture... there is a huge resemblance!
  14. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    Very nice friendly chops there Brian.
  15. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Yeah, I tend to go with the older styles Jeff. When my hair grows out some I'm thinking of trying the "norsemen" which is a 100% razor cut, think JFK style.

    Thanks Dale, I liked my chops, what SWMBO doesn't know yet is this winter they will be making a come back!
  16. Sodapopjones

    Sodapopjones Well-Known Member

    I agree haha
  17. Johnny

    Johnny Little Boy Blue

    Two pictures for you, wknicholas (Nick) and me. We were both younger when these pictures were taken.

    fishcrow likes this.
  18. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    Here's a recent Munky pic:

    Boojum1 and swarden43 like this.
  19. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©


    Just kidding, of course.
    Fresh after a shave, no doubt. Looks good!
    I gotta see about getting a new pic up.
  20. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    I reckon it's a tad big.....
    tomnat likes this.

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