Another new guy.

Discussion in 'Welcome Center' started by donex32, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. donex32

    donex32 New Member

    Well i have entered the arena of DE shaving. I have for 20+ years have used a Gillette Sensor and more recently tried a Gillette Power Fusion razor. Although not a bad razor, cartridges are silly expensive. To offset the cost and try something new I have purchased a Gillette Fat Boy which i have disinfected and started to use. I purchased a blade sampler pack containing Feather, Derby, Red Personna, Blue Personna (Crystal, I think?) and Astra. I also have Proraso shave cream and a decent brush. Now that specs are mentioned, here is what I have done thus far. I started with the Derby blade for a couple of days. The first day was ok but not very close. The second day, being late for work, did not work out so well. Few nicks and neck bumps. I was also playing with the settings on the razor. What I have found however with the settings is 3 is not enough, 9 way too much so I have settle on 5 sometimes 6. After Derby, I used the Red Personna blade for a couple days as well. Better, not as much pulling, but I am still having to go in the same direction more than once to get all the stubble. Do I need to keep practicing with this blade or move up to a little sharper blade? Also which blade? Please critique, I could use the help. Over the years I have really hated shaving but this new style has made it a little more fun. Anyway, this site has been enjoyable and very helpful so thanks to all.
  2. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    Welcome to TSD!

    The best advice I can give is to not use pressure and don't make too many changes until you know which ones are making a difference and they can be pretty subtle.
  3. GDCarrington

    GDCarrington Burma Shave

    Welcome to the Den.

    We know you'll fit right in.

    So grab yourself a comfy chair,

    and give our threads a spin!

    Burma Shave

    Now as to your situation.
    #1 You should try each razor in the pack to begin to determine which one is better for you. Not better for someone else, for you!
    #2 You need to map your beard to find which way the hairs are growing so that you can determine whether you are going With The Grain (WTG) of the hair, Across The Grain (XTG) or Against The Grain (ATG).
    #3 Multipass and beard reduction is the name of the game. Not cutting it off in one bold stroke.
    #4 Watch Videos from experts who can show you tricks and tips.

    In my opinion the best in the game is Mark (Mantic59) as you can gather from this site.

    GeoFatBoy is also really excellent, but he is more into the hardware focus.

    Watch and learn from both of them.

    Lastly is what I call the 30 day rule.

    Find a razor, then a blade that will not cause issues with your face (that may take a few different blades in a sampler to find a suitable choice or it maybe the first out of the gate) and select a soap or cream that is easy to generate good lather. Once you find those, spend 30 days using nothing else until you build up your technique. After 30 days, change one and only one variable and work for another week. At that point you should be able to make better decisions because your technique is now in place.

    Good fortune.
    Mechguy and alpla444 like this.
  4. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Welcome to TSD! This is the best wet shave board on the planet!
  5. IAmTheJody

    IAmTheJody Gillette-i Master

  6. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

  7. tomnat

    tomnat accepting applications

    Hello and welcome to The Shaved Den. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  8. Shawna

    Shawna 1000 Music Tag Bonus Points Awarded!

    Welcome to the Den! Enjoy your stay here and Happy Shaving!
  9. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Just remember it is whisker reduction, not removal. Try using a good pre-shave soap, and a hot towel before shaving and that should help reduce the neck bumps and any irration. Just keep practicing, remember no pressure and it will come to you, Welcome to a great site, I'm sure you'll love it here as much as the rest of us do.
  10. marks971

    marks971 Member

    Welcome to TSD! :signs046:
  11. Billr

    Billr Mix Master Mighty White!

    Welcome to The Shave Den - GDC up there gives good advice. Don't make to many changes at once. Relax, Don't worry and Have a great shave!!!!
  12. alpla444

    alpla444 That's sweet!

    Hi and welcome to the shave den,:bounce017::signs046::bounce017:. There are some helpful vids on youtube by Geofatboy (who use's a fatboy in on vid) and Mantic59 both where agreat source of learning for me as well as this forum, good luck:)
  13. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Hi! Welcome to the Den.
  14. Regan

    Regan Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TSD. Enjoy the stay and shaves :)
  15. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    Welcome to The Shave Den! :signs046:
  16. Johnny

    Johnny Little Boy Blue

  17. Bird Lives

    Bird Lives Future Root Beer King of Turkey

    Welcome...Make yourself at home...It looks like you are doing so much right...It shouldn't be long at all before you're getting the best shaves of your life...You're also meeting all the right people....Congratulations on all of this....

    Man GD kind of gave you the keys to the kingdom there...That might be a record...So much pertinent info in so small a to go GDCarrington....You should "Study" every word of GD's answer....and buy him dinner after your first

    The Link Jody gave you has everything....the link: "Shave School Master Stickys" on the link Jody gave you, is a work of art in it's own right....
    Pull up a chair, have a nice refreshing beverage and relax....The info and videos are so informative and not to mention so much fun....Everytime I revisit I learn something aswell....Just like playing music or composing its always about the basics....The basics are everything....And those stickys contain the basics....

    Good luck and enjoy every minute....
    GDCarrington and alpla444 like this.
  18. SharpSpine

    SharpSpine Well-Known Member

    Glad to have you here at 'da Den!
  19. fishcrow

    fishcrow Birdman of TSD

    Greetings and welcome to the Den

    Merry Christmas.
  20. Dridecker

    Dridecker Sherlock

    Welcome to The Shave Den, a great community of guys and gals that enjoy wet shaving, I hope you enjoy your stay!

    Be sure to sign up for the December Newbie Give-Away for a chance to win some great shave gear!

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