The Custom Title Thread

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by Queen of Blades, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    My insurance wouldn't cover it. :(
  2. Slipperyjoe

    Slipperyjoe Rusty Metal Tetanus

    Rich I think they have a pill for those cramps now.. might even be covered..:happy088:
    Mr. Oldschool and richgem like this.
  3. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    Looks like this thread caught up with me.: :D

    "suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps"
  4. Smott

    Smott Chew your shave. Slowly.

    ...which is incredible, since most penguins don't have hands! You truly are one of a kind, Richard.
  5. GDCarrington

    GDCarrington Burma Shave

    Rich, I am so sorry to hear of your suffering!

    Put that "remote" down if it causes issues! ;)
    PLANofMAN, richgem and Slipperyjoe like this.
  6. newb

    newb Resident Newb

    Wow, I don't have a custom title yet? I've been here a couple of years and I'm still a newb.
  7. Slipperyjoe

    Slipperyjoe Rusty Metal Tetanus

    Be careful what you ask for..;)
    battle.munky and newb like this.
  8. GDCarrington

    GDCarrington Burma Shave

    You may have just given yourself one. "I've been here a couple of years and I'm still a newb."

    That is how these things happen you know.
    Slipperyjoe, xCarbonSteelx and newb like this.
  9. xCarbonSteelx

    xCarbonSteelx Well-Known Member

    This is pure awesomeness!
  10. otherstar

    otherstar Rodney Dangerfield of TSD

    I feel your pain. Four years and no custom title. I get no respect, I tell respect. :angelic007:
  11. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    I like to tell you how I got my custom title, A few days ago I did this thread on shave sticks and after a few minutes my title changed from Active Member to Well-Known Member...pssst...Can't you tell I'm trying to tell these people....pssst, mumble, whisper, mumble....What do you mean "if you get enough likes it changes?" This isn't Facebook.

    Oh, nevermind...I get it now. Okay, time to pick up the soapbox pulpit and go home.
  12. Smott

    Smott Chew your shave. Slowly.

    Trust me, you really don't want a custom title. Look what happened to Slipperyjoe! First you get the title, then you realize your avatar doesn't seem to match anymore—it's like suddenly finding you've been given a necktie to wear with your t-shirt and jeans! So Slipperyjoe slips into a more sophisticated avatar complete with custom title abbreviation. I tell you, it's high maintenance to live the fancy custom title life...
    Slipperyjoe and PLANofMAN like this.
  13. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    So when is your avatar going to be replaced by this?-
  14. Slipperyjoe

    Slipperyjoe Rusty Metal Tetanus

    Ya.. you got that right Steve. That FCTL sure can be demanding..almost as bad as fancy shaving life..:chores016:
    PLANofMAN and Smott like this.
  15. otherstar

    otherstar Rodney Dangerfield of TSD

    Looks like I spoke to soon, or too much. It doesn't matter...I actually like it!
  16. rick

    rick I'll make ya SCream!

    hiya MoM :love055:
    How the heck are ya ??

    Queen of Blades likes this.
  17. blanka

    blanka I will not eat my shaving products. Promise.

    Since I seem to have a huge appreciation for shaving products that smell delicious: Case-and-point: TSD Root Beer Wheat Shaving Cream, TSD Count Chocula Soap, TSD Almond Milk Balm and of course, P.160. I therefore think, "Hungry Shaver" might be a fitting custom title for myself. ;)
  18. Smott

    Smott Chew your shave. Slowly.

    Sorry, the food angle is already taken... [​IMG]
    Slipperyjoe likes this.
  19. PLANofMAN

    PLANofMAN Eccentric Razor Collector Staff Member

    Moderator Article Team
    "Gulp it Down Shaver" It would make a nice counterpoint to yours, Steve.:eatdrink023:
    Smott likes this.
  20. Smott

    Smott Chew your shave. Slowly.

    Every supervillain needs his superhero. And seeing as how I'm the evildoer whose dastardly plan is to slow newbies down, it's about time someone showed up to stop me!

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