Oo! Oo! A hundred lab blues, Mitchell's Wool Fat and a Timor satin finish TTO winging their way from Connaught Shaving...
I've had a few shaves with the Timor. It's a nicely put together razor for a great price. It's a very mild shave, I'd say on a par with a Wilkinson Sword Classic. It does a good job on my light growth, with the Personna blades, which are pretty sharp. (They boast "now 25% sharper!" on the box.) I shave at least once a day usually, so it works well for me. It'd definitely be back to the Fatip for after-the-weekend shaves. It's mild, and yet... I have given myself the bloodiest shave I've yet had with this razor, as I was inadvertantly catching the TTO knob with my finger and turning it to open the razor slightly, so I've changed my grip to avoid this in future. It's my first TTO razor, so I was a bit unfamiliar. Connaught also kindly threw in a box of 10 Lord blades too, which were appreciated. The Razor also came with one Timor blade.
I even took a pic for SOTD, but haven't loaded it yet! The USB port in my phone is knackered from short-sightedly putting the wrong USB plug into it! (Well, I'm nearly 40.)