I ordered a Phoenix Artisan Double Open Comb razor. This is my second razor behind my MTO. I was expecting a big improvement with the razors but not this. I had gotten a 100 pack of personna lab blues with 8 bucks on ebay so I tried then and I didn't care for them, they left my face feeling irritated and to me are a step down from the personna reds. However I decided to try them with my new razor because I'd hate to not use the blades seeing as how I have so much. This razor got me an incredible shave with no irritation whatsoever. I absolutely love how it shaved. I would recommend this razor to anyone who hasn't already bought it or who is new to wet shaving for sure.
That is a nice razor. I have had my eye on it for a while, but this is my Shave Gear Sabbatical year.
I wish people would stop making posts about this razor. It's taking every bit of willpower I have to not give in to my RAD and order one. I need another razor like I need razor burn.
That is a cool looking razor for sure. I'm going over to straights though. Just saving up for a really good daily driver.
I found it to be a beautiful razor that was sadly too mild for my face. My DE89 shaves very nicely but this razor just didn't work for me.
I'm liking my DOC also. I'm glad yours is not only giving you a good shave, but allowing you to use up those Personna blades as well.
I was very happy about that because although I got them on the cheaper end I didn't want so many blades to collect dust. I'm glad to hear that the razor is giving you a good shave as well
Don't resist @Tralfaz. Give in to your RAD! You know you want to, after all it's only an itty bitty safety razor and it doesn't take up much space at all, besides I'm sure the Phoenix DOC would love to live in your den with your other razors!!
If you do not buy it then who will? There is going to be that one razor that stays in a factory its entire life collecting dust and never truly understanding what is like to be a razor. Never holding a blade and cutting those pesky hairs. Never getting soap ran across its metal body. Never bonding with a man who it can call, friend. You can change that Tralfaz. 30 dollars is all it takes to save a life. To give life to one without it. Plus it shaves very well
Just had my first shave with the DOC today. I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to give a fair impression since the first blade I put in it, I'm pretty sure was a dud. Replaced it with a Personna Lab and it did much better. Didn't get a real close shave but seems like a day or two of getting used to it will fix that. it was a nice comfortable shave though. A very mild razor. Seems like it would be ideal for a newbie.