Hard to find the words to say it better than that. Well put. Thanks for all of the hard work.
I like the Derby's much better, but then to each their own. You may think Wilkison's are great, they're just not for me. At the price I would...
Isn't that the truth.
It does smell good, French, barbershoppy or what not, it is a personal favorite.
False, just finished, and plan to skip a day, nasty little cut with my Gem OCMM TPBM prefers breakfast for supper.
Glad to hear you and your ex are back together. The only thing ever lost that I really missed was a cherry rocking chair that was my great...
GEM OCMM is a personal favorite, with GEM blades. I lucked into my frist one on a trade. I then stumbled across 2 of them for less then 6 bucks...
If they don't get any in, let me know and I'll send you a pack of them. We have 3 Wal-Marts in about 15 miles of each other. They always have...
Just Mondays??? I never got THAT memo, I thought menthol was for everyday! The more the better.
Thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes, it was a great day indeed.
False, but I once dated a girl who was. TPBM has traveled to more than half of the 50 States.
Very nicely done, the photos really add alot. Look forward to seeing the next brush.
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a Great one.
Welcome to the Den, hope you find what you're looking for here. Enjoy your stay.
Very nicely put.
Welcome to the Den, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Welcome to the Den, hope you enjoy your stay.
True, sort of... It's CRS's turn to do it, but there is a bunch. TPBM went to or is going to church today.
Very nice indeed.
False, I prefer butter beans if I have to eat beans. TPBM went for a motorcycle ride today.
Separate names with a comma.