I'm gonna try to get the box out tomorrow. Had to do the wife's brakes this weekend and have to bleed them in the morning. I'll let ya'll know.
Arrived intact, going through it now. Thank you from my 85 year old Dad who was out of balm and liked the smell of the Arko, and pointed out the "sharp looking" gold Trac II handle (he's a die hard T-II/Atra man).
The Box has two pucks, both white and rather thick, each wrapped in tissue paper and bagged together. They seem to be covered in talc or some similar looking powder. I took a whiff and was sneezing for 10 minutes straight. Does anyone know where these come from? Colombia, perhaps?
There were two unidentified pucks that were a little dried and flaky when I had the box but that was a while back. Might be the same ones.
Maybe a picture of what you are talking about would help with figuring out what you are talking about
You could also use this to shrink images online... It seems to work fairly well , and is done completely online .... https://imagecompressor.11zon.com/en/image-compressor/compress-jpeg-to-1mb.php